Waukee Arts Council Scholarship

Waukee Seniors:

Waukee Area Arts Council Scholarship

The Waukee Area Arts Council will award two $1000 scholarships to Waukee Seniors of the 2023 graduating class. 

Scholarships will be awarded to students in the studio arts or the performing arts.

Requirements: Waukee High School senior of the 2023 graduating class and meeting requirements for graduation, an academic focus and participation in the arts, continuing their education in the arts, plans for a career in the arts.

Students will be required to submit an essay discussing their focus and training in the arts, what the arts have meant in their life, accomplishments and awards, and their plans for their future education and career in in the arts. Candidates who submit an essay will be interviewed in April of 2023. Students of studio arts will also have their portfolio reviewed at their interview.

Deadline for essays: March 5th 2023

Essays may be submitted to "waukeearts@gmail.com", with the subject line “2023 Scholarship Essay.”  

Essays must also include the student’s name and preferred contact information.

Awarded students will be notified prior to the 2023 Senior Awards and Scholarship recognition ceremony. Studio arts awarded students will be offered a featured display of their portfolio in the Student Exhibit at the 2023 Waukee Arts Festival. There will also be a brief ceremony recognizing the students at the 2023 Waukee Arts Festival. 

Students may request additional information by emailing Waukeearts@gmail.com