Distance Learning 2020

Dragon on my Doorstep

Read the story together.

With younger children, you may read most of the words yourself, but pause for 5 seconds when you come to a picture, to see if you child can fill in the word. You can hint by giving the first sound in the word. ("There's a dra....)

Purpose: build vocabluary and speak clearly

Ex Lang: Dragon on Doorstep.pdf


Purpose: Practice following directions and speaking in sentences

To do the exercises, print out this PDF file, cut out the animals and put them in the house.

Exercises: Dragon on the Doorstep.pdf

Or, download this powerpoint slide on your computer or tablet and move the animals into the house with a mouse or touchscreen.

G drive Dragon on the Doorstep homework.pptx

Social Skills

Games are a great way to practice skills, learn to take turns and have a good time.

1. Simon says: Take turns telling each other where to put toy animals

2. Hide and Seek: One person hides the toy animal while everyone else closes their eyes. Everyone looks for the animal. The person who hid it tells the other players if they are getting "warmer" (closer to the animal's hiding place) or "colder" (further from the hiding place).

(It is great to include siblings in this).