
● Calm - I use this app on my phone when I need a moment to calm down myself. It’s free and there is a lot of calming music. You can also access free content on their website.

● Insight Timer - This is another app on my phone for meditation music.

● Edutopia - tons of social emotional learning ideas on this website.

● Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - ACT is an evidence-based behavioral therapy. It teaches mindfulness and psychological flexibility.

● Dr. Harris is an author of The Happiness Trap. This document is an ACT based guide on how to respond to COVID.

Behavioral Strategies for Home during School Closure (1).pdf

Please see Tonya Amani's website (the District Behaviorist) for her office hours. You can get ideas for behavior strategies below on her Behavior Padlet.

Please reference this social story for what your child can do while you are working from home.

parents working social story.pdf

Please see the social story below to help your child with teasing their sibling.

Teasing social story generic.pdf

Ms. Tonya reads Little Monkey Calms Down. What you can do when you feel sad/mad.