
  • Analyse your question
  • Determine the type of information you need
  • Pinpoint the best places to find the information

  • Select the appropriate keywords
  • Create a search strategy using keywords, synonyms and alternate terms
  • Remember truncation and phrase searching

  • Use the CRAAP test or 10 pivotal questions
  • Evaluation is crucial for websites, but also very important for all other information found
  • Library sources already meet a couple of criteria from the CRAAP test (authority, accuracy)

  • Save, print or email your results to keep useful records of search results
  • Record all information needed for referencing and to help find the same item again
  • See Student Learning for help with reading and note-taking

  • There are many different ways to present your research
  • Always make sure that you have
        • answered the question
        • shown an understanding of the topic and context
        • presented your research in the most appropriate way

  • Use all information found ethically
  • Acknowledge, by referencing correctly, all the sources you have used
  • Ensure you meet all copyright obligations