
  • Go to the University of Waikato Library website
  • Select the Databases tab in the Library Search box
  • Type EBSCO into the 'search for databases' box
  • Click Search
  • From the 'search results' click on the link for EBSCOhost
  • Enter your username and password if prompted
  • The first screen that comes up is a list of all the different databases in EBSCOhost
  • Select all that you wish to search (Select all is fine, or just leave at the default) and then click on Continue
  • Go to Advanced Search
  • Search for inquiry-based learning and Zealand (as shown above).
  • Click Search
  • In the Advanced Search screen there are many search options that will help narrow down your results. Some options are"
    • Full text
    • Peer Reviewed journals
    • Date ranges
    • Number of pages (with less than 4 databases)
    • Publication Type



  • The word 'Zealand' will help find New Zealand specific material
  • Some articles may not appear search terms are too specific. Broad searches often catch very useful articles, so don't narrow the search too soon
  • Refine the search again by adding synonyms for the keywords. This will expand the results to include items that may not have been found in the previous search. For example elementary is a synonym for primary.
  • The above search found 75 results on 14 January 2020 (the partial result list is shown left)
  • Use the filters on the left to narrow down results by source type, date, full text, or subject terms plus more
  • Use the Subjects shown to help identify relevant sources
  • Click on any title(s) that look relevant, to read the abstract

  • From your result list look for items that are:
    • highly relevant to your topic
    • published recently
    • published from a variety of sources - newspapers, magazines and scholarly journals
  • Analyse the results:
    • is the source (journal or newspaper) education related?
    • are the articles dated within the last decade?
    • are the articles on topic or are they unrelated?
    • are there other keywords, synonyms or related terms that might be useful?