This resource teaches you important skills needed to conduct effective research for academic assignments, including how to analyse, search for, evaluate, organise and use information in an efficient manner. These transferable skills will help not just with assignments, but also with future lifelong learning.

How to use the ILR:

  • The ILR contains six sections
  • Each section has a short video, a worksheet, quiz and further links
  • It is recommended to read the section and watch the video before working through the worksheet and then testing your skills with the quiz
  • Work through from start to finish or focus on sections of interest

You will learn how to:

  • Plan a search by determining the nature and extent of the information needed
  • Find the needed information effectively and efficiently
  • Critically evaluate information and the information seeking process
  • Organise the information collected
  • Synthesise new concepts and understanding using prior knowledge and new information
  • Use the information found ethically and legally

To reference this web page in APA style:

University of Waikato Library. (2020). ILR: Information literacy resource.