Library Search

  • Click Search
  • This search found 490 results on 9 January 2020
    • Analyse the results
      • When are the articles dated?
      • Are the articles on topic or are they unrelated?
      • Are there other keywords, synonyms or related terms that might be useful?
  • To narrow the search further use the "Refine my results" sidebar
    • Under the subject header is listed all the subject terms found in every item in the result list
    • Click on "Show More" and the full list of terms is shown. This list is displayed by number of items using the subject term
    • Select those terms which are particularly relevant. Scroll down to see all the options
    • Select as many as required then click Apply Filters
  • For this example select inquiry-based learning
  • This narrows the results down to 85 items (9 January 2020) which are more relevant and specific to the search
  • Many different types of sources are located in Library Search. The resource type can be filtered and each item indicates the type above the title. The above examples are for a journal article and a book
  • With all resource types, select the title to see the full details of the item
    • Request for a book or physical item shows the library location, allowing it to be located it on the shelf or requested
    • Sometimes for online items clicking the link under View It will take you to a list of the databases that provide access to the article. Click on the appropriate database to open the article
    • In most cases the full-text is available for download, and have the option to save, print or email the article