Delivering Distance Learning

Touch base with learners via video link at a specific time each week. Try to keep short and regular online contact rather than long sessions, less often.

The following tools can be used for distance/online meetings. More information on these tools and how to use them can be found on this page. Digital support resources and videos for schools are being rolled out on our Facebook page and Twitter (@IPLWaikato)

Distance Learning is not, and should not, be the same as school learning. You have an opportunity to be creative here, you don’t want your learners sitting in front of a screen all day.

Zoom free to use with up to 100 participants and 40 min limit. It has chat and screen-sharing. It needs a software download. You can record sessions. There are a few settings you need to adjust to ensure your meeting is safe. Don't allow students to join before the host (you). Enable the waiting room so you can choose who enters the meeting. Don't allow screen sharing by participants. Don't share the meeting link in public places. (previously appear,in) is browser-based and free and can be used with up to 4 screens. Has chat and screen-sharing.

Google Hangouts and Meet for those using G-Suite. Browser-based so nothing to download. There have been some updates to Hangout and Meet to give the host more control and extend some of the features. Great videos on using Google Meet here. More info on Office 365 tools for remote learning are here. More info on using Google tools for remote learning here.

Microsoft Teams - requires a download or app. Best for those predominantly using Microsoft 365. If not already signed up for Teams you can do so here, you may need your administrator to enable it.

Teachers can produce videos of lessons using Screencastify. More on video creation tools here.

If you want contributions and feedback from learners then there are a variety of ways to do this. Zoom and have chat features built in but you may want more targeted tools or need to collect voice when not using these platforms. This page has info about how you can collect learner voice and feedback orally. This page has tools for collecting voice in written form. Platforms like Padlet and Jamboard can be used to collect voice and screen shared via Zoom, Meet etc so all contributors can see the results in real time.