
Do2Learn has some great simple resources to help build vocabulary skills.

Use Create A Room to put together a room in the house. Have your child name each item on the page, then go find it in your house.


Use Synonyms and Antonyms to put together puzzle pieces to match vocabulary words. To make this activity more difficult, you can cover the part of the screen that shows the matching ends of the puzzles (so your student can't visually match the words without thinking about the vocabulary), or write the words down and have your child match the words on paper before on the computer.


Use What's Different to talk about categories. When your student finds the thing that is different, help them decide what category that item belongs to. Find other things in your house that belong in the different categories.


Use Word Pairs to talk about prepositions (in/out, on/off). The game labels each pair of words before asking the student to choose one. When your child chooses the answer, talk about other things in the room that can be described with the same word (the spoon is in the cup; the toy is under the table)
