
Course Title: Student Government/Leadership/ASB

Course Number: 8300-8301

Grade Level: 9–12

Elective/Required: Elective

Length Credits: Year/10 credits

Prerequisites: Election by students to a school wide ASB Position or by application (GPA requirement).

Course Description: Student Government/Leadership/ASB is the course in which student leaders get together on a daily basis to decide and carry out the activities of the Redwood High School Associated Student Body. Students will be expected to demonstrate initiative, hard work, cooperation, etc. The requirements to be admitted to the class are: to either be elected to a school wide position by the students at Redwood and/or by an application process. All students must submit an application before running for office or entering the Leadership Class. The Activities Director and administration will screen students prior to the election. The Redwood High School Constitution regulates specific requirements to hold office and to be considered for the Leadership Class. Once approved and screened, newly elected officers and the Activities Director will determine the remaining members of the class. Factors considered include, but are not limited to; work ethic, ability to work with others, leadership qualities, demonstration of good character, and diversity.