Career & Technical Education

What is CTE?

CTE stands for Career and Technical Education. In Vernon's CTE programs our goal is to prepare our students for careers in high demand fields. In order to best prepare our students, each of our CTE programs in made up of the following key components:


These three courses all build upon each other to prepare students with the skills and knowledge essential for the career path


CTSO stands for Career and Technical Student Organization. These are organizations approved by the State of NJ to go hand in hand with the CTE program to enrich the curriculum


For most of our CTE programs this means that students have the opportunity to earn college credits while taking H.S. classes.


Structured Learning Experiences (SLE) are chances for students to see first-hand what it is like to be working in the field. For our students they can be a part of an SLE through an internship or job-shadowing experience.


This is a test intended to assess the students in a way that compares them to other students around the country in similar programs. Often, these assessments are in the form of industry exams that are essential for students entering the career path.

For more about our CTE offerings, how to get your child into our programs, or how to get involved as a business or college partner, please contact:

Vincent Gagliostro, Director of Curriculum &