Allied Health

NJ CIP CODE: 510000


To provide school to college or school to career preparation for multiple health careers through a core curriculum emphasizing science, the human and organizational side of health care, and the opportunity to earn college credit and clinical experience.


  1. Assist in achieving the health work force needs of the State
  2. Promote the concept of the health care team as essential to patient well-being
  3. Establish the importance of culture and gender diversity in the world of health care
  4. Promote a broadly trained health practitioner who will meet the needs for future new health professionals
  5. Provide students with a strong foundation in science, communication, and the health care system
  6. Enhance quality high school to college articulation

The Course Sequence

1) Dynamics of Health Care in Society

An orientation to health care and delivery from an interdisciplinary perspective, with a focus on process skills to include critical thinking, ethical reasoning, effective communication, and self-directed learning abilities. The professional competencies stress application to general issues and topics common to all health care providers. Emphasis is placed on the role of the health care practitioner as both provider and consumer of health care services

2) Emergency and Clinical Care

A course that describes how to respond to emergencies before medical help arrives. The course is designed to give the student the knowledge of how to recognize and respond to an emergency. The intent of the course is to help the student feel more confident in his/her ability to act appropriately in the event of an emergency. Students are prepared to a) obtain a patient medical history, b) take a record vital signs relative to medical/dental treatment, and 3) acquire cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification

3) Anatomy and Physiology

The study of the structure and function of the human body. This course follows a sequential development of the major body systems in an organized and structured curriculum. The course is designed to give students a selective overview of human anatomical structure and an analysis of human physiological principles.



Health Occupation Student Association's mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people.

College Articulation Agreements

...through Rutgers University

Dynamics of Health Care in Society (3 credits)

Anatomy and Physiology CP (4 credits)

Anatomy and Physiology Honors (Anatomy I and II) (8 credits)

Emergency and Clinical Care (2 credits)

Structured Learning Experience

Students will volunteer in local hospitals, nursing homes, blood drives, and flu clinics, and must complete a minimum of 10 hours of related volunteer work per year.

Third Party Assessment

1) Final Exams through Rutgers University for the following courses (administered online):

Dynamics of Health Care in Society; Emergency and Clinical Care; Anatomy and Physiology

2) First Aid/CPR Certification through the Red Cross