
CIP CODE: 521801


To provide school to college or school to career preparation for multiple careers in business through a core curriculum emphasizing leadership, marketing, management, strategic thinking, problem solving, volunteerism, and the opportunity to earn college credit and competitive experience.


  1. Assist in achieving the Marketing force needs of the State
  2. Promote the concept of Marketing as essential to all field, organizations, and industries
  3. Assist in creating a work force in this field that has ethnic and gender diversity
  4. Promote a broadly trained worker who will meet the needs for future new projects in Marketing.
  5. Provide students with a strong foundation in business, leadership, problem solving, and team work.
  6. Enhance quality high school to college articulation.

The Course Sequence

1) Intro to Business Management

This CP course is designed to provide students with general knowledge of the business and marketing industry along with styles of management and running a business. Units will address such business management issues as: Staffing, Financing, Planning and Controlling a Business, etc. There will also be a macro study of Finance, government, and global economics as they relate to business management.

2) Marketing I

Marketing is a comprehensive introduction to topics and practical experience in the following areas: free enterprise system, advertising & media, finance, salesmanship, management & ownership, fashion & merchandizing, data systems, and restaurant marketing.

Text case studies relating to marketing principles will be an integral part of the course. Students are encouraged to participate in DECA which involves: marketing competitions, career field trips and seminars, school-related projects, and business and community involvement

3) Marketing II

This course offers advanced study in the area of advertising, finance, salesmanship, management, business ownership, fashion merchandising, and data systems. Students are encouraged to participate in DECA which includes: marketing competitions, career field trips and seminars, school related projects, and business and community involvement. Students have the option for attaining college credit for this course from Sussex County Community College.



DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management through competitive events and real-world experiences.

Articulation Agreements

Sussex County Community College (6 total credits)

Intro to Business Management.................................Business Management: BUSA120 (3 credits)

Marketing II.................................................................................................... Principles of Marketing: BUSA 220 (3 credits)

Structured Learning Experience

Students in the Marketing CTE program are able to gain experience through DECA-sponsored community service projects, internships opportunities in local businesses, and job-shadowing opportunities. One notable job-shadowing experience that student attend each year is to visit the New Jersey Devils and see the ins and outs of running a professional sports team.

Third Party Assessment

NOCTI Test - Retail Merchandising