Construction, Facilities, & Maintenance

NJ CIP CODE: 460401


To provide school to college or school to career preparation for careers in construction and trades through a core curriculum combining business, planning, and preparation work with theoretical understanding and practical application. This program offers opportunity to earn college credit and relevant field experience.


  1. Assist in achieving the trade and construction force needs of the State
  2. Promote the concept of construction, facilities, and maintenance as essential to all field, organizations, and industries
  3. Assist in creating a work force in this field that has ethnic and gender diversity
  4. Promote a broadly trained worker who will meet the needs for future new projects in the CFM field.
  5. Provide students with a strong foundation in construction, safety, planning, budgeting, and overview of all trades and systems.
  6. Enhance quality high school to college articulation; as well as high school to workforce articulation

The Course Sequence

1) Construction, Facilities, & Maintenance (CFM) I

This course is meant to give the students an introduction to the world of Building Construction and a look into many of the Trades. Covering basic hand tools and power tools will open up projects revolving around the different parts of a built structure and which trades are involved.

2) Construction, Facilities, & Maintenance (CFM) II

The second year of CFM will focus more on Construction Technology. There will be more of an emphasis on a deeper investigation into the construction process, architecture, systems, and design. Computer based systems and scale model building will be used to build upon the skills learned in CFM I.

3) Construction, Facilities, & Maintenance (CFM) III

The final year of CFM will allow the students who have completed the first two years to choose a particular trade and complete a project-based study of that choice. Internships, work place shadowing, and larger scale model building will all take place along with more complicated computer based systems to fully prepare students for the field.



SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA's mission is to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible American citizens.

Articulation Agreements

Sussex County Community College (11 total credits)

CFM I.............Intro to Building Construction (1 credit); Construction Safety, Tools, and Equipment (2 credits)

CFM II.............Print Reading and Sketching (3 credits); Codes in Construction (1 credit)

CFM III........... Construction Site Preparation and Layout (1 credit); Construction Materials and Methods I (3 credits)

Temple University

Students who successfully complete the VTHS CTE program in CFM will receive a waiver of the following courses upon acceptance into Temple University:

ARCH 2153: Facility Management Case Study Research I (1 credit)


ARCH 2154: Facility Management Case Study Research II (1 credit)

Structured Learning Experience

1) Job Shadow: Students will have the opportunity to job shadow members of the VTSD Maintenance Team. One day a week (for 40 minutes each day) during the second semester of CFM II, students will shadow an employee as he completes his maintenance duties in the school. This includes (but is not limited to) electrical work, repairs, HVAC, plumbing, sheet rock, and painting. Students will meet with the VTSD staff member prior to their shadowing and following their shadowing to ensure student understanding.

2) Internship: Students will have the opportunity to work as paid interns at Mountain Creek for five days during either Spring Break, Summer, or through weekends. (Selection into this internship is not guaranteed). Students will be paired with a member of Mountain Creek's maintenance team and work side by side with them on tasks related to Mountain Creek's spring clean up or summer resort/park transition. Students will be required to keep a written reflection/journal of the experience. Tasks may include landscaping, painting, plumbing, miscellaneous repairs, and miscellaneous cleaning.

Third Party Assessment

Building Trades Maintenance NOCTI Exam (taken after completion of CFM III)