
NJ CIP CODE: 140101


To provide school to college or school to career preparation for careers in Engineering through a core curriculum provided through Project Lead the Way -- a nationally recognized organization and leader in the field. This program offers opportunity to earn college credit and relevant field experience.

For more about the courses in our Engineering CTE, visit


  1. Assist in achieving the Engineering force needs of the State

  2. Promote the concept of Engineering as essential to all field, organizations, and industries

  3. Assist in creating a work force in this field that has ethnic and gender diversity

  4. Promote a broadly trained worker who will meet the needs for future new projects in Engineering.

  5. Provide students with a strong foundation in math, science, problem solving, and the design process.

  6. Enhance quality high school to college articulation.

The Course Sequence

1) PLTW - Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)

Students dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects like designing a new toy or improving an existing product.

2) PLTW - Principles of Engineering (POE)

Students explore a broad range of engineering topics including mechanisms, strength of structure and materials, and automation, and then apply what they know to take on challenges like designing a self-powered car.

3) PLTW - Civil Engineering & Architecture (CEA)

Students learn important aspects of building and site design and development and then apply what they know to design a commercial building.

Other PLTW offerings at VTHS:

PLTW - Engineering Design and Development (EDD)

PLTW - Computer Science Principles

PLTW - Computer Science A

PLTW - Cybersecurity



Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership, and opportunities in technology, innovation, design, and engineering. Members apply and integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts through co-curricular activities, competitions, and related programs.

Articulation Agreements

Sussex County Community College (12 total credits)

Upon completion of the Engineering CTE program students will be eligible for the following credits:

Introduction to Engineering (3 credits)

Numerical Methods for Engineers (3 credits)

Engineering Statics (3 credits)

Engineering Dynamics (3 credits)


Based on student performance on their EOC exams, students may be eligible to earn many more college credits through dozens of PLTW affiliated universities. Please visit this website for more information:

Structured Learning Experience

Job Shadowing will be offered through several options (15 total hours is required per student)

1) Thor Labs -- students will observe engineers and work side by side with owner, Alex Cable in fields ranging from developing opto-mechanical components to telecom test instrumentation

2) Sussex Rural Electric

3) Merck Engineering

Third Party Assessment

Pre-Engineering/Engineering Technology NOCTI exam (administered at the end of the third course)

An EOC exam is required at the end of each course -- through Project Lead the Way