Hospitality Management

NJ CIP CODE: 52.0901


To provide school to college or school to career preparation for careers in Hospitality Management through a core curriculum centered around business management, food services, and finance. This program offers opportunity to earn college credit and relevant field experience.


  1. Assist in achieving the Hospitality work-force needs of the State
  2. Promote the concept of Hospitality as essential to all field, organizations, and industries
  3. Assist in creating a work force in this field that has ethnic and gender diversity
  4. Promote a broadly trained worker who will meet the needs for future new projects in Hospitality.
  5. Provide students with a strong foundation in business management, food and beverage services, and finance to prepare them for fields in Hospitality.
  6. Enhance quality high school to college articulation as well as high school to work-force articulation.

The Course Sequence*

1) Introduction to Business Management

This CP course is designed to provide students with general knowledge of the business and marketing industry along with styles of management and running a business. Units will address such business management issues as: Staffing, Financing, Planning and Controlling a Business, etc. There will also be a macro study of Finance, government, and global economics as they relate to business management.


2a) Introduction to Culinary Arts (formerly Basic Foods)

This course has been designed as an introductory foods course for the student who wishes to learn and apply food preparation techniques which can be used in a variety of settings and situations. While working collaboratively in small lab groups, as well as independently, students will be required to think critically, analyze, evaluate, and make decisions.

2b) Accounting

This course has been designed to introduce students to basic accounting concepts and career options. It progresses through two complete accounting cycles -- a service oriented business run as a single proprietorship, and a merchandizing business organized as a partnership. Students will receive a background in basic accounting procedures for running a business and a sound background for employment in office jobs as a preparation for the study of business in college.

3) Restaurant/Hospitality Management

This course is designed to provide students with opportunities to combine their experience from courses such as Intro to Business Management, Basic Foods, and Accounting, and put them to use through a project-based curriculum centered around managing a restaurant, hotel, or resort.

*students in this CTE program are also strongly encouraged to take additional courses in World Languages



Future Business Leader of America -- Phi Beta Lambda's mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.

Articulation Agreements

Sussex County Community College (6 total credits)

Intro to Business Management.................................Business Management: BUSA120 (3 credits)

Hospitality and Restaurant Management......................................Intro to Hotel/Rest Mgmt: HOST101 (3 credits)

Structured Learning Experience

Job Shadow: During the first semester of the third year of this CTE sequence, students will shadow members of the Mountain Creek Hospitality and Recreation staff. Most notably our students will shadow members of the staff serving the Appalachian Hotel and RedTail Lodge. Students will job shadow from 12 pm - 4 pm once a month in September, October, November, and December. The will required to keep a journal of their experiences

Internship: Mountain Creek will provide each student in this CTE program the opportunity to complete a 20 hour paid internship between the months of January, February, or March. Students are not guaranteed employment.

School-Based Enterprise: All students who participate in the FBLA CTSO will have the opportunity to work in our school "pop-up restaurant".

Third Party Assessment

Hospitality Management-- NOCTI exam (administered at the end of the third course)

Students also will have the opportunity to take the ServSafe examination -- leading to an industry-recognized ServSafe Certificate