Music Production

NJ CIP CODE: 10.0203


To provide school to college, or school to career preparation, for careers in Music Production through a core curriculum centered around technical skills, ear training, musical understanding, business/law skills, and the creative process. This program offers opportunity to earn college credits and relevant field experience to prepare students for the world after high school.


  1. Assist in achieving the Music Production work-force needs of the State.
  2. Promote the concept of music as essential to all field, organizations, and industries, particularly those within business and the performing arts.
  3. Assist in creating a work force in this field that has ethnic and gender diversity.
  4. Promote a broadly trained worker who will meet the needs for future new projects in Music Production.
  5. Provide students with a strong foundation in musical understanding, technical skills, ear training, and business/law to prepare them for fields in the Music Industry.
  6. Enhance quality high school to college articulation as well as high school to work-force articulation.

The Course Sequence

1) Music Production & Engineering I (MPE)*

Music Production is the fastest growing career and college major within the Performing Arts. This course is designed to introduce students to sound editing and mixing, and digital music composition and arranging. Students will work independently and in groups with Korg keyboards and Apple computers to bring recorded and midi sounds to life and to create their own original music. Music Production & Engineering students will use simple programs such as Audacity and Garageband as well as industry standard programs such as ProTools and Cubase. This course will help students who enjoy recording their own music and "beats" in their homes as well as students with aspirations to become the next big record producer.

*this class is offered as a concurrent class with Sussex County Community College's "Electronic Music" class (3 credits)

2) Music Production & Engineering II (MPE2)

The Music Production & Engineering II class is an extension of many of the skills learned in Music Production & Engineering I with a more in-depth focus on ProTools and recording. Additionally, in MPE2, students will take more of an active role in Skills USA events, as well as other SLE opportunities.

3) Music Business

Music Business is the third course in the Music Production CTE sequence. It is designed to provide students with precursory knowledge of key components of the current music industry. With this knowledge, students will be prepared for post secondary education in music business, or to beginning a career in the field. Through this course, students will be exposed to: Business models for recorded & live music, Monetization of intellectual properties, Venue management & marketing, Live event promotion, Artist management, Copyright law, Music publishing, and Performing arts administration.



SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA's mission is to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible American citizens.

Articulation Agreements

Sussex County Community College (3 total credits)

Music Production & Engineering I.................................Electronic Music: MUSC115 (3 credits)

Structured Learning Experience

Job Shadow: During the second half of Music Production & Engineering I (the first course of the sequence) students will job shadow at the Music Den -- a local music store and recording studio. Students will visit the Music Den on three separate dates for 3 hours and 20 minutes each visit -- totaling 10 hours. Students will observe the ins and outs of the business from the recording of a band to setting up equipment and technology, etc.

Volunteer: While enrolled in Music Production & Engineering II, students will each need to sign up for 10 volunteer hours after school to work with the Director of Special Projects, Chief Technology Officer, and HS AV Advisor to work sound for music concerts and events. These students will set up microphone equipment and even create podcasts or live feeds for events such as graduation ceremonies, concerts, BOE meetings, etc and may contribute material for the Vernon FM radio station.

Internship: The Music Den will offer opportunities for students to interview to work as an intern in their recording studio. Students will each have the opportunity to interview, however, employment is not guaranteed.

Third Party Assessment

Audio-Visual Communications - Job Ready Assessment -- NOCTI exam (administered at the end of the third course)

Students may also be interested in pursuing ProTools certification.