Valley Ridge Blvd Interchange

AT/EllisDon's Latest Design Schematic (Sept. 2019)

Source for the schematic is from AT's new website,

The schematic above shows Alberta Transportation's / EllisDon's latest design schematic for the ultimate Valley Ridge Blvd interchange. This design was first made public by AT at a community meeting for Valley Ridge residents held on September 7, 2019 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel.

While the above schematic does not show the entire ultimate interchange design, it provides details as to the location where trees were removed along the south perimeter of Valley Ridge, and the locations for a proposed noise barrier, a stormwater feedermain to be installed and the City of Calgary's water feedermain re-alignment. In addition it shows the location of two of AT's updated, north to south profiles profiles, "A" and "B", east and west of Valley Ridge Boulevard.

AT's schematic below shows the expected ultimate design for the full VR Blvd interchange. It is a few months older than the one above and is taken from AT's June 2019 Information Session presentation boards.

The Transportation Utility Corridor (TUC) boundary, shown as a heavy orange line, has been enlarged in certain areas via expropriations by AT to accommodate a larger interchange design and additional basket-weave lanes acting as on- and off-ramps. As a result, West Valley Road south of the highway between Valley Ridge Boulevard and Stoney Trail is to be permanently closed. It will be replaced with a new east-west connector road on the south side of Victory Village and the Climbing Center.

Crestmont Boulevard is to be re-aligned and replaced with a new road shown in red wrapping around the southern boundary of what will be Shape Development's future development footprint. This new access road will function as a two lane, interim solution until such time as Shape's development commences at which point Crestmont Boulevard will be upgraded to four lanes including two additional roundabouts designed to provide access into Shape's site from the south side. These upgrades are to be funded by the City of Calgary and Shape Developments.

Alberta Transportation has advised us that no construction activities by Shape will be possible during interchange construction. We therefore conclude Shape will need to endure a construction hiatus of up to three years should it still intend to proceed with development of its Calgary West lands.