Link to Winsport - YES

At-grade Service Road Replaces Tunnel Connection to Winsport

Contrary to the conceptual link to Greenwich, north of the Trans-Canada Highway, a link between the Calgary West area lands to Winsport is part of Alberta Transportation's (AT) plan for the West Calgary RIng Road (WCRR). However, the nature of this link appears to have changed.

Initially, it was our understanding this link would be an east-west tunnel beneath Stoney Trail for transit (bus) and active modes (bicycle and pedestrian) only. AT's latest design schematic shows the original tunnel connection to Winsport has now been replaced with an at-grade service road connection along 1st Ave. SW shown in the screen capture from AT's 3D video fly-over on the right. To the right is a view looking south along the future WCRR freeway just west of C.O.P. / Winsport.


The schematic below is from one of the presentation boards presented at Alberta Transportation's June 2019 Information Session. Here AT has altered the tunnel concept to an at-grade service road connector along 1st Ave. SW. We are uncertain if this connector remains as active mode only or whether it will also accommodate vehicular traffic as well.

Also shown in a red outline is Avi Land Corporation's lands planned for a residential community of ~506 homes to be called Poplar Hills. This development will be located on the site of the present Calgary West Campground. Loblaws Properties owns the lands immediately west and to the north and, may in time, be developed as part of a larger project with Shape Developments who own the lands west of 109th St SW, between the TCH and the new alignment for Crestmont Blvd SW. Avi presently has a land use redesignation (LOC2019-0112) in circulation at the City of Calgary. The at-grade service road connector along 1st Ave SW may also serve the future residents of Poplar Hills.


The schematic below shows the merged ASP boundary outlines for the Calgary West ASP with the adjacent Canada Olympic Park and Adjacent Lands ASP (COP ASP). Both ASP's lie west and east respectively and adjacent to the TUC boundary of WCRR immediately south of the TCH. Trinity's new Medicine Hill development is located on the east side of the COP ASP

Both ASP's confirm the original plan for an east-west connector along 2nd Ave SW (light blue arrows). AT's plan for the WCRR shows this connection will instead be as an at-grade service road connection situated just north along 1st Ave SW.

AT's plan for the WCRR, now underway, makes no provision for any connection between Valley Ridge and lands east of Stoney Trail on the north side of the TCH. See the Link to Greenwich page on this website for more information.