K/1st Grade

Week 3

April 13th-16th

Let's do an Explorer and Health Week!!!

Objective: Students can determine the proper amount of sleep to get every night. They can travel in varied pathways and know the importance of drinking water when hiking outdoors.

Lesson #1 Monday/Tuesday class

Step 1: Watch the Video......Press the button below to learn what water does for your body!

Great job learning about the importance of drinking water. Now, grab your water bottle and move onto step 2 and Step 3!

Step 2: Warm UP: Let's do some outside yoga!

If possible take this video outside and enjoy the sunshine!!!!

Step 3: Time to get some more outdoor time and fun!

Here is a scavenger hunt that you can do outside, if you can't get outside today, do the Indoor Scavenger Hunt! Let's see how many items that you can find hiking today today?

I hope that you had fun on your Scavenger Hunt! You can take a picture of your findings and download them to google classroom or simply share how many items that your found!

Step 4: Let's remember what we learned......... Can you answer these questions?

  1. What does water do for our bodies?

  2. Can you get some of your daily water from food that you eat?

  3. Do we need more water when it's hot outside or we increase our physical activity?

  4. How do you feel after doing your Scavenger Hunt? Are you more motivated or have an increase of energy for the day?

  5. To find all of your Scavenger Hunt treasures, did you find them all in one place? Did you have to walk in several different directions as you moved along the list of items?

Lesson #2 Wednesday/Thursday class

Step 1: Let's start our day with learning how sleep helps restore our energy and the ability to have a better day!

Flip through the slide show and by clicking on the right arrow on the right side of the picture below!

Step 2: Warm-Up: Let's get moving!!!! Start your day with your warm-up!

Follow along with the video and get your body ready for today's lesson!

Step 3: Time to get our feet and bodies moving by EXPLORING something new! Today we explore AGILITY LADDER Training!

-Follow the videos and as always....... give your best effort, learn, and have fun!

Benefits Of Agility Ladder Training!!!

  • Speed: your ability to move in one direction as fast as possible.

  • Agility: your coordination—your ability to accelerate, decelerate, and change directions.

  • Quickness: your ability to react or switch positions quickly.

  • The ladders work not only the feet, but do a great job of connecting the mind with the body.

Hi Explorers!!!!

Watch the video and I'll help get you started on today's lesson!

You will need to make a ladder:

  1. Draw or make a ladder with: sidewalk chalk(outside), painters or masking tape, or the square tiles in your kitchen.

  2. Follow the video and PAUSE it to practice the skill before moving on. (remember that a skill may take several times to get it performed correctly, use a someone or record yourself to get feed-back)

  3. After you practice try to move your feet super quick.

You can look at these cards to help you see the correct foot positions and what exercises that you are learning today.

Step 4: Let's check your knowledge!

  1. Try all the agility exercises on your own without looking at the video.

  2. Do you remember them?

  3. Now find someone to teach or to share with them what you have learned today!

Here is a video of someone with a higher skill level. He moves pretty fast!

Step 5: Time to take a few minutes to go to google classroom to share what you have learned this week on. Awesome job!!!! WEEK 3 Assignment

*Weekly Assessment Check-in:

Please log into: https://classroom.google.com

Accept the invitation or go straight to the Week 3: This assignment is for Everyone to do!

Make sure that you select the correct Week:)!!!----Week 3

This needs to be done by Sunday night, Thanks and great job getting your online Adventure PE lessons done