2nd Grade

Week 5

This is a week to Explore Nature that we can see right here in Colorado!

Learning Target: I will express enjoyment during and after an adventure walk. I will talk about my feelings with a family member.

Vocabulary terms:

ENJOYMENT-The state of happiness caused by a thing or event.

FEELINGS-An emotional state or reaction. Examples are happy, sad, angry.

-Lesson #1 Monday/Tuesday class

This is a week to Explore Nature that we can see right here in Colorado!

Step 1: Warm Up: Oooohhh, I know you love this song! Time to get moving with a strength warm up! Start here and get your body moving!

Step 2: Nature exploration! Did you know that we have golden and bald eagles that live right here in Pueblo?

Eagles and several different birds of prey can be found all along our Arkansas bike trail and up around the reservoir. You can watch a live cam(in Iowa) of a Mama Bald Eagle taking care of her baby birds.

-Click the link and check it out!


-The next time you get outside make sure to look for nests high in the trees or for birds soaring in the sky! Getting outside brings us new and amazing things to discover!

Step 3: Let's build a nest Activity!

  1. A nest is a place where creatures feel safe. Find a safe place where you would like to build a nest and sit or stand at this place and breathe deeply. Inhale slowly and count to 7 exhale slowly and count to 11. Repeat 3 times. Do you feel safe as a little egg would in it's nest?

  2. Go on a search for some supplies: If you can.... get outside and go on a walk to collect some materials to start your nest. You can scavenge for sticks, twigs, string, leaves, or grass as some of your nest supplies. If you are indoors scavenge for similar items and begin to build. Birds are very thankful to have a secure home, Share with someone else something that you are grateful for.

  3. When you’re done, tell your family member what you like about your nest. Then have some fun soaring around like a majestic bald eagle..... arms wide and fly!

Step 4: Learn more about the bald eagle!

Watch the video..... it's an amazing feeling seeing one of these birds!

Here's a picture of my nest! I had a great time getting outside and searching for the materials to build my nest this morning! Later, I am going for a walk to explore all the bird's nest that I can find along the way. I bet that they are different from one another, just as birds are different.

Share a picture of your nest in our google classroom!

Step 5: Share or show with someone......

  1. Share with someone how you felt on your walk searching for materials to build your nest. Did you feel enjoyment to get outside? Did you feel excited when you felt like you found a good discovery for your nest?

Nice job learning about the nature around you!

One more class to go this week!

-Lesson #2 Wednesday/Thursday class

Get prepared to go on a hike!

Step 1: Warm-up- Get your body going by doing some hiking yoga moves!

Start your morning with a nice stretch and a moment of mindfulness.

  1. Breath in and out calmly and slowly

  2. Hold each pose 20 seconds

  3. Switch legs on the tree pose and repeat all poses one more time.

  4. Nice job, you are awake, and ready to for your day!

Step 2: Create a hike! This hike can be big or it can be small

What can you discover along your hike?

Take 30- 60 minutes today to go for a hike! Grab your family and enjoy the adventure!

(you can do this any day this week that you have family time available. Or create a hike around your backyard or inside your house.)

  1. Discuss with a family member on the area that you will hike.

        • It can be on a trail, it can be around your neighborhood, it can be in a park, or wherever you can think that you would enjoy getting out and hiking.

  2. Plan out what you may need to be prepared for your hike.

        • Take some water, grab a snack, wear sunblock/hat, take a light jacket, and wear good walking shoes.

  3. As you hike.....

        • Look around for new things that you have maybe never seen before.

        • Smell the air, a tree, a flower.

        • Look up at the sky and the clouds.

        • Watch for animals and what they are doing with their day.

  4. This is a great time to share.....

        • your feelings, your interests, your wonders with your family as you hike.

5. On a hike you can collect....

  • A cool rock, a walking stick, or something that gave you a happy feeling when you saw it.

Step 5: Share your feelings

  1. Take time to share your feelings that you have as you hike with your family. Some examples to share.....

      • How have you been feeling lately not being in school?

      • How do you feel doing online learning?

      • What has been giving you joy, sadness, stress, excitement, anger, or other feelings?

2. After the hike reflect on how you feel....

  • Do you feel calmer, more energetic, or motivated?

  • Do you feel tired, sad, or joyful?

3. Do you feel that the hike, family time, and being outdoors changed the way you felt before you started?

I hope that you truly enjoyed getting outdoors and sharing some of your feelings with others! This was another wonderful week of learning and moving!

Step 4: Take the Assessment: Please take the assessment quiz by Sunday of WEEK 5 and ask for help with reading and understanding if needed. However, answer with your own thinking.

*Weekly Assessment Check-in:

  1. Please log into: https://classroom.google.com

2.Take the Week 5: assignment

3. Press the SUBMIT button when you are done with the assignment.This needs to be done by Sunday night,

Thanks and great job getting your online Adventure PE lessons done!