2nd Grade

Week 4

Let's have some fun and learn how to motivate myself!

Objective: Students can control their movements to complete scarf activities in personal space, follow directions, and complete the warm-up, main activity, and the assignment.

Lesson #1 Monday/Tuesday class

Literacy content word:

Control-To manage or regulate the movement or actions of something.

Step 1: Warm Up: Let's up our energy level with some Footloose! Have fun dancing and add some of your own moves!

Step 2: Activity : Can you complete each task with a scarf or plastic bag?

  1. Follow along with the video.

  2. You may pause it anytime to continue practicing a skill. There is also an activity card that you can try some extra activities beyond the video lesson.

  3. Remember to try hard not to collide when playing a partner game!

  4. Try each skill and let's have some fun!!!!

This is really a fun activity!

Make sure that your surroundings are safe if you run to chase your bag and not to collide with your partner. Pick which side of each other that you will run by. An example is that you both run to the right of each other when you pass. Communicate to start each game with: Ready.... Go!

-You can try more activities by exploring the juggling scarf activity card. Use your bag or scarf and can do these activities anytime.

Step 3: Share or show with someone......

  1. Show someone some new skills that you learned today.

  2. Share with them how you were able to CONTROL the bag or scarf.

  3. Share how many times you could clap before you caught the bag or scarf.

  4. Share your juggling skills on our googleclassroom.

  5. Show someone a cool awesome move that you invented when you threw your bag or scarf in the air.

That was fun! I bet that we can get really good at Plastic bag and scarf games!

Way to go and to finish today's lesson, remember that it is important to take care of our amazing machines!

Find ways to stay healthy and happy!

Lesson #2 Wednesday/Thursday class

Step 1: Remote Control Warm-up! Here's a fun quick video to get us going for the day!

Step 2: Mirroring Activity-Watch the video and follow along with me!

Step 3: Let's check out your mirroring skills.....

Take 15 minutes to explore your mirroring skills. Explore the steps below and do each question(not a written assignment, just think the answer and try the task). Be creative, give full effort, and have fun!

  1. Can you mirror someone who is taller or shorter than you?

  2. What about playing some music and mirroring someone?

  3. Challenge someone in your house to a mirroring battle.You can each take a turn at being the leader. Did you play fair and give them clear movements to do?

  4. Can you mirror your pet or get them to mirror you(if you have one)?

Step 4: Did you know that healthy choices lead to more healthy choices?

There is a chain reaction to your choices. Think about it......

-When you watch tv on the sofa you don't really feel like getting up and doing an activity or your chores. You tend to walk in the kitchen and get a snack then get back on the sofa. The day passes and you haven't really done much of anything. Does this ever happen to you?

-I know when I get up and get moving right away in my day, I tend get my chores done earlier, go outside and play, and I am more alert for my lessons. Then maybe I can relax and watch some TV in the evening after enjoying a healthy meal with my family. It's weird how I want to fuel my body better when my mood and body is full of energy!

Step 4: Take the Assessment: Please take the assessment quiz by Sunday of week #4 and ask for help with reading and understanding if needed. However, answer with your own thinking.

*Weekly Assessment Check-in:

  1. Please log into: https://classroom.google.com

2.Take the Week 4: assignment

3. Press the SUBMIT button when you are done with the assignment.This needs to be done by Sunday night,

Thanks and great job getting your online Adventure PE lessons done!

WoooooHooooo! 4 weeks of online Adventure PE! You all are Super Stars!