K/1st Grade

Week 1

Be sure to follow each step and take time to learn and practice the skill or activity!

Objective: Students can show balance, coordination, transfer weight from one body part to another, and balance objects standing still and moving while playing at home.

Lesson #1 Monday/Tuesday class

Step 1: Warm Up: Start today's lesson with a fun warm-up!

Step 2: We can be creative at home! This lesson is done with a bean bag, you can do it with rolled up socks!

  1. Follow along with the video.

  2. You may pause it anytime to continue practicing a skill.

  3. Try each skill throughout the video.

Step 3: Share or show with someone......

  1. Show someone some new skills that you learned today.

  2. Show them the hardest skill, funnest skill, and a skill that you were really good at.

  3. Share some of the activities with your sibling, parent, or a friend and teach them how to do it correctly.

  4. Create and share a new skill that you can do with your beanbag or sock with someone.

You did it! You finished your first online Adventure PE lesson! Great job!

Lesson #2 Wednesday/Thursday class

Step 1: Warm-UP- I know that you love this one! Have fun and do it with someone in your house!

Step 2: Spiderman Yoga! Let's keep improving our flexibility and our balance!

Step 3: Let's check out your balancing skills.....

Take 15 minutes to explore your balancing skills. Explore the steps below and do each question(not a written assignment, just think the answer and try the task). Be creative, give full effort, and have fun!

  1. What is an object around you that you can try to balance?

  2. How long can you balance it for?

  3. Can you try a new object to balance? Something big? Something long?, Something curvy?

  4. Where can you balance this object on your body? How many different places can you find to balance it on?

  5. How far can you walk and still balance the object?

  6. Can you do some of the skills that you learned this week and then create a new one?

Step 4: Take the Assessment: Please take the assessment quiz by Sunday of week #1 and ask for help with reading and understanding if needed. However, answer with your own thinking.

*Weekly Assessment Check-in:

  1. Please log into: https://classroom.google.com

2.Accept the invitation and take the Week 1-Kindergarten/1st grade assignment

3. Make sure to select the correct week and grade level:)!!!

4. Press the SUBMIT button when you are done with the assignment.This needs to be done by Sunday night, T

hanks and great job getting your online Adventure PE lessons done!

First week done! Remember to get 60 minutes of activity everyday! Fuel your body with "greenlight" foods! And get outside and create some amazing adventures!