3rd Grade

Week 2

Be sure to follow each step and take time to learn and practice the skill or activity!

Objective: Students can use an implement to strike an object at least 5 times, explain literacy terms, and move direction with manipulatives.

Use self-feedback to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Lesson #1 Monday/Tuesday class

Literacy terms: read and know the meaning of these terms to help with your lesson.

-Striking- to hit forcibly and on purpose with one's own hand or an implement.

-Implement- a tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment, especially as used for a particular purpose.

-Force- strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.

-Set-a fixed number of repetitions of a particular exercise

Step 1: Warm UP: Click on link and start your class by getting your body up and moving!

Step 2: Follow the video sequence. Take time after each video to practice the skill before moving onto the next video.

Step 3: Share or show with someone......

  1. Show someone some new skills that you learned today, have them try it with you.

  2. Share with them the difference between catching and striking an object.

  3. Show them how you can strike the ball hard or softly.

  4. Create and share a new game that you can play by yourself or with someone

Great job! You have finished today's lesson!

Lesson #2 Wednesday/Thursday class

Step 1: Warm UP: Click the link and start today with some mindfulness.

Step 2: Follow the video sequence. Take time after each video to practice the skill before moving onto the next video.

Step 3: Let's check out your striking skills.....

Take 15 minutes to explore your striking skills. Explore the steps below and do each question(not a written assignment, just think the answer and try the task). Be creative, give full effort, and have fun!

  1. What was the implement that you used to strike the ball? See if you can find something new to use or something new to use as the ball.

  2. How many times did you strike the ball? Try it one more time to challenge yourself and see if you can beat your highest score!

  3. As you practice the skill, vary the speed and see what happens when you strike the ball(object) harder and faster.

  4. Strike the ball as hard as you can! Did it go farther? Did it go higher? (Make sure you are in a safe environment and won't hit anything around you)

  5. Now pick a spot and aim for it...... hit the ball with the overhand strike. Did you hit it?

  6. Now play a game with someone where you hit overhand and underhan

Step 4: -Set-a fixed number of repetitions of a particular exercise

Create a set of exercises: an example is shown below.

Set includes: 2 push-ups, 4 jumping jacks, 2 squats

Do the set 3 times with a 10 second break in between.

How many exercises did you do?

3x2 pushups = 6

3x4 jumping jacks= 12

3x2 squats= 6

Answer: 6+12+6= 24 exercises

Step 5: Take the Assessment: Please take the assessment quiz by Sunday of week #2 and ask for help with reading and understanding if needed. However, answer with your own thinking.

*Weekly Assessment Check-in:

Please log into: https://classroom.google.com

Put in your class code and take the Week 2: 3rd grade assessment

Make sure that you select the correct week and grade level:)!!!

This needs to be done by Sunday night, Thanks and great job getting your online Adventure PE lessons done!