Climate Change

United States is Making Climate Change Problem Worse And Joe Biden Is No Exception

United States and China has always been the main polluter towards climate change but United States is mostly not just ignoring the problem but also resetting the progress that the countries that are trying to make the problem somewhat manageable.

Most people in the United States that believe that climate change is real believe Biden is making a difference in solving climate change. That is simply is not true, I been studying this for years and also experts believe that Biden is not only not helping the problem but making the problem worse. It is awesome that Biden is at least attempting to solve this problem. Biden is the first president to at least attempt in 47 years, thanks to Nixon and his marketing campaign to make Americans think that climate change is not only not really a problem but also just made up by scientist, but Biden's attempts is giving climate change a bad rap. When Biden shut off the pipe line from Canada to Mexico, he made transporters use millions upon million of trucks to transport that need fuel, causing so much more pollution than if we kept the pipe running. This is because the United States does not have the right infrastructure to help support eclectic trucks or cars. Even if they were electric the United States almost completely runs on fossil fuels on their power plants, so when the trucks recharge while transporting they would put even more pollution in the air compared to just running on gasoline. He recent plan to make all government vehicles electric would just cause more harm. He is also doing only temporary solutions, so it might just be completely undone, we clearly see that when Biden ran for office and he undone almost all of Trumps work in the first week.

Fracking Pollutes

Fracking sounds like a good idea, you get a good amount of gas, it uses less resources, etc, but it uses water, humans need water to survive. You probling saying a little water will not hurt, but most people don’t tell it uses a lot of water, that can be used on food production, bottle water, energy production, etc. My point is fracking companies are not evil, we just need a better way to get fuel, not only does fracking take a lot of water to get fuel, but it pollutes water during the process, it does not affect it short term, so it is not very noticable. An average joe would build his house on the land, because it is cheap, and make a well, he drinks the water, lives his life, but he will not be the only one, once a small town is developed, the well is polluted, and the townspeople do not know why, and people start dying before the problem can be solve, and when they can find the problem , it is too costly, even for a city's budget. Since all of the pollution of fracking is underground, it can reach far and wide, becoming a problem from cities hundreds of miles away, it can rain which can pollute streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, and even oceans. Fracking can also pollute the land killing trees, which can make the land into a desert, make the place hotter, killing the resources, which can also kill the water sources, and leave oil and gas residue all over the desert, which can make humans leave their towns, and cities, making the land a complete wasteland, and if companies see that land scoping the last gas and oil, it can kill the land around it, and in the beginning it could of been used for food production to give the towns and cities food, or pumping to pump water into tankers for the humans to drink. Point being fracking and gas/oil production is not the best option to use to get fuel, we have higher technology, we have technology that the people and the past believe was science fiction, we have eco friendly technology that can harvest power from the sun and the wind, we have electric cars, and solared powered homes, we have the technology to make our cars eco friendly and will not need oil and gas, so companies don’t have to use fracking to get oil and gas, but since companies get so much oil, and gas from fracking, the price of oil and gas will drop, not making a profit. Fracking is not the best option, so we just need to take a step back and come up with a better solution to fueling our cars.

Problem with Ideas

1. Because our population has reached seven billion people and continues to grow, we need to

expand land area available for living and growing food by cutting down the rainforest.


2. Without reducing rapid population growth, it will be impossible to solve the world’s global



3. With more than 7 billion people commuting from one place to another, drilling for more oil is

necessary to fuel more cars.


4. In order to feed our population, we must use pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and genetically

modified crops to increase farm yields.


5. With new technologies used to gather fish, we must have international laws to ensure seafood is

harvested sustainably.


6. The Earth can support over 7 billion people now and will be able to support any number of

human in the future.


7. In an effort to feed a population of over 7 billion, people in developed countries should reduce

the amount of meat they consume.


8. Science and technology will ensure that food production and energy supplies keep up with the

demands of a growing population.


9. With human population over 7 billion, we must protect endangered species habitats by not

developing on them for any reason.


10. There is nothing I can do to help alleviate population pressures.


11. Governments in countries with fast-growing populations should make laws to limit the number

of children that couples can have.


12. In a real crunch, jobs are more important than environmental quality.


13. With over 7 billion people on the planet, water pollution is inevitable and we should not waste

money trying to prevent it.


14. Even though I am only one person in 7 billion, I still have a responsibility to keep the Earth

healthy; what I do makes a difference. AGREE

15. Automobile makers in this country should be required by law to make all their vehicles fuel-

efficient, even though the vehicles may become more expensive. AGREE

16. If China and India can each take care of over a billion people on relatively the same size land as

the U.S., then the U.S. should accept immigrants until it reaches a billion people as well.


17. All high schools should be prohibited from distributing contraceptives to students under age 18. AGREE

18. Arable land should never be used for housing, businesses, or other non-agricultural uses because

we need all available farmable land to produce food.


In order to feed our population, we must use pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and genetically modified crops to increase farm yields. Everyone is afraid of GMOs, besides a select few. For years companies have tried to tell people that they are safe, that they will not create deadly side effects. What people are actually afraid of is change.

Think about it, for years humans have been afraid of change since the beginning of time, but like all things it takes a confident person to stand up and help people change. You can be that person, you may not be popular, or you may not be a national leader, but if you stand up, your friends will stand up, then your friends or friends will stand up, and so on.

You can start eating gmo, show your friends that it is not dangerous, and can help the earth be a better place. You can show your friends the benefits of GMOs and how it can help them and help the animals and biomes you love.

Protest Do Nothing For Climate Change

Today is May 3, 2021, so far almost nothing has been done to save the current climates. There has been a few attempts but all they do is increase Co2 emissions.