Additional Therapies
Moxibustion, moxa for short, is the utilization of mugwort, (artemesia vulgaris/artemasa argyii) also known as YOMOGI in Japanese is used frequently in conjunction with acupuncture needles. In Japanese, acupuncture is written 鍼灸 (Shin-Kyuu) which translates to 鍼 (Shin): needle, 灸 (Kyuu): moxibustion. According to Ling Shu (Spiritual Pivot/Miraculous Pivot), one of the two parts to the Nei Jing (acupuncture bible), "A disease that may not be treated by acupuncture may be treated by moxibustion." Moxa helps to warm the channels and dispel cold. It is also beneficial for weakness and strengthening the immune system. I use it frequently for chronic low back pain conditions that is stiff and cold to the touch, and aggravated by the cold, menstrual pain, acute injury swelling, and indigestion.
Cupping Therapy
Fire cupping/suction cups help to improve circulation, relieve pain in the muscles, and remove toxins and "heat" that is stuck in the fascia. The fire/suction creates a vacuum on the skin and the underlying tissue is pulled into the cup unblocking the stagnant Qi and blood. The cups may be glided along an area or kept in place. Cupping therapy usually lasts 15-30 minutes and the cupped area will turn pink, red, blue, or purple if there is injury or extreme blockage. Skin discoloration will clear in a few days to a week. It is advised to cover the cupped area post-treatment. Cupping opens the skin pores making the body susceptible to catching a cold in a draft. Cupping is very popular amongst people who enjoy Deep tissue massage or people with knots in their shoulder and neck and low back pain.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha also known as Grastin or scraping, is another technique used to release muscle tension, tightness, and contraction. A specialized tool such as a chinese soup spoon is used to gently scrap or rub the skin over the problem area. Gua sha feels a big like deep tissue massage. It may leave some slight redness that will quickly dissipate.
Tai Chi / Qi Gong
Specific movements and breathing exercises used to improve health, vitality, and promote health. It is useful for developing a calm mind, balance in the lower extremities, and strengthening the body for patients who can not do intense exercise.
Nutrition and Mindfulness
Nutrition: Specific foods used to strengthen, rebuild, and balance the body is recommended.