About Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a comprehensive healthcare system originating nearly 3,000 years ago in China. Its philosophies and traditions are based on natural energetic laws of the universe. It is a product of a millennia of practical experience in dealing with a variety of medical conditions. It is non-invasive, highly effective, and extremely safe. 

Acupuncture activates our body's innate ability to heal ourselves. In stimulates our bodies to bring the system back to balance (homeostasis), helps to strengthen our immune system, support physical and emotional well-being and improve overall functioning of our bodies. 

Acupuncture addresses the root cause of an illness rather than the symptoms. With each following treatment the effects are more profound and longer lasting. In the beginning treatments should be 2-3x/week. This number can be lowered as time goes by eventually going to once a month. 

An acupuncturist views each individual as a dynamic, integrated whole, observing how signs and symptoms weave together in order to understand the core energetic profile of a persons health. 

What is Qi?

This ancient medical system is focused around the concept of "Qi". Qi cannot be directly translated into English, but the closest interpretations are "vital energy", "animating force", or "subtle breathe." In India its referred to as Prana, in Japanese Ki, on the Hawiian Islands as Mana. It is the electricity in our body. Qi can be seen as the life force giving our bodies the spark, animating our body, and protecting it from illness and pain. Our health is determined by the quality, quantity, and the harmony of Qi in the body. 

Qi is similar to the idea of Innate Intelligence frequently discussed by Chiropractors. It is similar to nerve pathways. Chiropractors adjust the bones of the neck and back in order to remove interference with the expression of Innate Intelligence. When a vertebra becomes misaligned or joints become damaged, the nerves that run through them become “short-circuited,” and we begin to get choked off from our full expression of life. By removing subluxations, the chiropractic adjustment isn’t just making someone feel better; it is restoring our connection to all of life. 

“Chiropractic teaches that the life principle, or Innate Intelligence, intelligently selects and assembles chemical elements found in human anatomy; it builds organs of the body for certain purposes, and then controls and governs their function and activities by means of these mental impulses created in the brain and sent over nerves to every tissue cell in the body. 

How does Qi travel?

Qi circulates through specific pathways called meridians. There are 14 main meridian pathways throughout the body. Each one is connected to specific organs and glads. Meridian pathways are like rivers. Where a river flows, it transports life-giving water that nourishes the land, plants, and people. In the same way, meridian pathways transport life-giving Qi to nourish and energizes every cell, organ, gland, tissue, and muscle. 

When Qi flows freely throughout the body, one enjoys good physical, mental, and emotional well-being. An obstruction of Qi anywhere in the body is like a dam, backing up the flow in one area and restricting it in others. This blockage can hinder the distribution of nourishment the body requires to function optimally. 

Meridians not only feed vital energies to their related organs, they also reflect any pathological disturbances in those organs, thus providing a convenient and highly Accurate tool for diagnosis as well as therapy. Daniel Reid, Guarding the three Treasures.  

What affects Qi

Many things influence the quality, quantity, and balance of Qi. Physical and emotional trauma, stress, lack of exercise, overexertion, seasonal changes, diet, accidents or excessive activity can lead to a blockage or imbalance of QI. Normally, when this imbalance occurs, the body naturally bounces back, returning to a balanced state of health and well-being. When the disruption to Qi is prolonged or is excessive, or if the body is in a weakened state, then illness, pain, or disease can set it. 

What does an Acupuncturist do?

During the initial exam, your acupuncturist will take a full health history. He/She will ask questions regarding your health, symptoms, and lifestyle. An appropriate physical exam could also be conducted, which may include pulse and tongue evaluation. 

Gathering this information enables the practitioner to effectively diagnoses and detect any specific imbalances of Qi that may be contributing to a person’s health problems. This enables the practitioner to create a well-structured treatment plan. 

Once imbalances of Qi are detected, an acupuncturist will place fine, sterile needles, at specific acupuncture points located along your meridian pathways. The safe and often painless insertion of these needles can unblock any obstructions and rebalance Qi in these pathways. When Qi can circulate freely throughout the body, it provides adequate nourishment to cells, organs, glands, tissues, and muscles. This circulation can eliminate pain and restore balance as well as the body’s ability to heal itself ultimately leading to optimal health and well-being.

Why do they check my pulse?

There are 12 pulse positions on each wrist that your acupuncturist will palpate. Each position corresponds to specific meridian and organ. Your acupuncturist will be looking for 27 individual qualities that reflect overall health. If there are any problems, they may appear in the pulse. 

Why do they check my tongue?

The tongue is a map of the body. It reflects the general health of the organs and meridians. Your acupuncturist will look at the color, shape, cracks, and coating on your tongue. 

Why did my acupuncturist recommend herbs?

Herbs can be a powerful adjunct to acupuncture care. They are used to strengthen, build and support the body or to clear it of excess problems like cold, fever, or acute pain. Your practitioner may suggest starting with herbs and then adding acupuncture to your treatment in the future. This is suggested to build up your internal strength so you can receive the full benefits acupuncture has to offer

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments and when to see results will vary depending on the patient and if their condition is acute or chronic. Acute conditions tend to react more quickly, whereas chronic conditions may take up to 3-6 months of regular acupuncture to notice a significant difference. If no other therapy has been done, the effects will be immediate although it will not be long lasting. With each following treatment the effects are more profound and longer lasting. In the beginning treatments should be 2-3x/week. This number can be lowered as time goes by eventually going to once a month.

Treatment frequency and number of treatments needed depend on a variety of factors: your constitution, the severity and duration of the problem and the quality and quantity of your Qi. Some people experience immediate relief. Others may take months or even years to achieve results. Plan on a minimum of a month to see significant changes. As acupuncturist may suggest one or two treatments per week, or monthly visits for health maintenance and seasonal tune ups. 

How should I prepare for my first acupuncture treatment?

How are acupuncturist educated?

I attended acupuncture for four years at Pacific College of Oriental Meducine in San Diego, California. I recieved my Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2018 after having met 551 hours in the classroom learning about Easter Medicine history, foundations, and theories, acupuncture technique and point functions, as well as anatomy and kinesiology, pathology, western physical examination, differential diagnosis, and herbal medicine. I also trained in the college clinic and recieved 670 clinical hours.  I hold the California State License to practice acupuncture in the great state of California. 

What can Acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture is recognized by the leading national and international health organizations to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety of medical problems. Below are some of the conditions acupuncture can help with: 

Acute Baciliary Dysentery

Acute Espigastraigia




Autoimmune Disease

Back pain

Biliary Colic

Breech Birth Presentation

Cancer care

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Colds and Flu


Dental Pain



Digestive disorders

Facial pain




Hay Fever






Induction of Labor


Knee pain



Morning sickness


Muscle tension and pain

Nausea and vomiting

Neck pain

Opioiid Dependecy

Peptic Ulcer



Post-operative pain

Pregnancy care

Primary Dysmenorrhea


Radiation / Chemo Reactions

Renal Colic





Seasonal Affective Disorder

Tennis elbow


Tobacco addiction

Weight Loss

Do I need to be sick to receive acupuncture?

The great thing is, No! You do not! Acupuncture is preventative medicine. Acupuncture aims to bring the body back to homeostasis. It enables optimal health and performance so it is actually recommended to receive routine acupuncture treatments as a "tune up," to prevent the body from getting ill. Combined with regular exercise, a balanced diet and lifestyle, and a positive mind can greatly improve your well-being and help to feel great and empowered. 

Is acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is extremely safe. Its probably one of the safest, effective, and non-invasive therapies available. Serious side-effects are rare, less than one incident per 10,000 treatments. These side effects include minor bruising at the site of insertion, light headedness, and nausea. 

What is your role in the healing process?

Your actions are vital to produce the maximum effect of your treatment plan. Focusing on your health and committing to a health, positive lifestyle are key to improving your overall well-being and empowering yourself. Taking action helps me to help you heal your imbalances and to achieve your health goals.  

Even after your symptoms have dissipated, I always recommend to receive acupuncture routinely (1x/month, 1x/every 3-4 months) to maintain health and prevent future imbalances. The more you include acupuncture in your life and learn the medicine, the easier it will become to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. 

Acupuncture Disclaimer

Acupuncture is not a quick fix. Natural healing will tend to take longer than simply "popping a pill," but the results are more profound with fewer side effects.

True healing takes time and dedication. 

Acupuncture for the treatment of chronic neck pain.

Chica, from Pumehana Healing performing Lymphatic Drainage.¥

External Herbal application for tendon strengthening

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber at the clinic!

Yuyu Acupuncture

5482 Complex St Unit 101 

San Diego, CA. 92123


Located behind the San Diego Superior Court. Plenty of parking. 

Sun: CLOSED Thur: 10am-5pm

Mon: CLOSED for Acupuncture Fri: 10am-5pm

Tue: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-5pm

Wed: 10am-5pm