
What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a comprehensive healthcare system originating nearly 3,000 years ago in China. It promotes the natural healing of our bodies. Its philosophies and traditions are based on natural energetic laws of the universe. Acupuncture is administered by inserting thin, single-use, stainless steel needles at specific reactive acupuncture points. The patient then rests with the needles retained in their body for approximately 25-30 minutes. This enables the body to naturally activate its own healing capabilities. READ MORE

At Yuyu Acupuncture

At Yuyu Acupuncture, I specialize in musculoskeletal pain and sports injuries such as acute knee injury, neck and shoulder pain from overwork, acute/chronic low back pain, sciatic, tennis or golfer's elbow, plantar facsitis, drop foot, post-operative pain, and foot pain for runners. Sports acupuncture and acupuncture for musculoskeletal pain, or orthopedic conditions, mainly aims to reset the muscle spindles in a target muscle (muscle is too short or too long due to misalignment) by needling the motor point. This restores a muscle back to its original shape, realigning the body, and relieving pain. This type of acupuncture elicits more sensation compared to Japanese-style acupuncture with superficial needling. A patient will feel "electricity", or a "zing" upon insertion of the needle. This is known as "De-Qi" sensation, this means the Qi has been activated. This is also known as fasiculation or reset of the muscle spindle. Patient may report feeling sensations like "distension," "soreness," "electric shock," or "numbness." This is a good thing, the stronger the sensation, the more effective the treatment. 

I do no perform sports acupuncture on all of my pain patients. The acupuncture treatments differ between patient presentation. Needle sensitive patients will receive superficial needling, Tui Na body work, moxibustion, and/or energy work if needed. 

What can Acupuncture help with?

I also specialize in regulating GI disorders such as GERD, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, acid reflux, and gnawing hunger. I have also helped women with irregular menstruation, delayed menses, painful periods/cramps, and heavy bleeding while menstruating. Other disorders I commonly treat are common colds and flus, headaches and migraines, anxiety, depression, and urinary difficulty. 

Offered Services

How to prepare for your first treatment