A Messy Creative Process

Be utterly uncompromising in your drive to be authentic in your service to The Cause, to your life purpose. This is a Soul Mission. You're not making yourself a job replacement here ... you're investing in the evolution of life, of humanity.

Which is to say, you get to make your own rules. You get to choose your own path.

You have to start where you are. And that's where it gets supremely messy.

All that learning ahead of you. All those decisions to make, from the trivial details such as font and colour styles to represent you, to the hugely meaningful ones, such as what's your core message.

You will loop and swirl between your decisions as you try them on for size and appeal and alignment.

But while you sort these out, don't neglect the fruit of your soul ... that which is pushing to come out from you innermost being ... that which is demanding to be expressed.

So don't be afraid to create placeholder drafts and make bullet points for bare-bones teachings.

Then keep upgrading your posts / communications until you are thoroughly satisfied with them

Once you've found your groove, your voice, your rhythm, then good enough is not good enough. If you do have to release something before you consider it fully satisfying (note that I didn't say perfect!) then go back and revise and upgrade when you can.

Primary Rule … Don’t Be Boring.

Which you will be if you are rehashing someone else’s work.

Which you will be if you are following someone else's formulas or systems.

So ... don't be boring to whom?

There's only one answer to that ...

Don't be boring to yourself.

I enjoy on-point conversations, and I'm quite willing to dig deeper on this topic.

Let me know what isn't clear or that I haven't addressed ... either at all, or to a satisfactory degree.

Be as personal or as general as you feel comfortable being. But be aware that in order to infuse more power into this package, I will likely use your query to help other participants as well.

Your questions and comments will help me to make this a stronger and more useful package.