Accelerating Your Clarity

You know what you want to DO, but do you DARE?

You know what you want to SAY, but do you DARE?


I can't shout it at you any louder.

Your bones know it. Your heart knows it. Your soul knows it.

You just need to get your head on board with it.

But overthinking it is precisely what gets in the way of your genius.

Here's a secret I wish I knew so much earlier.

Your clarity is contained in your SNARK.

And this is one of the opportunities provided by social media.

Now, if you're like me, you'll have lots of reactions about other people's words, articles, videos, images, and memes they share. Some you will make you want to roll your eyes but otherwise ignore, some you will agree with, but with some you will find it difficult to withhold from challenging. THOSE are your nuggets.

However, don't comment.

And for the record, I really hope you're not one of those who make ad hominem* attacks on the poster. If you are, well, you're better than that. Don't sink to that level where your lack of emotional control is on public display. I want for you to engage your critical thinking to create a well-considered on-point response that deserves its own spotlight in your own lair.

Which you can do in a number of formats. This is what I do and depends on how rant-y I feel at the time ... and how much time I have available.

Miscalculations of available time have resulted in 180 blog post drafts ... being unfinished rants. But, hey, they're there to continue should I ever feel the urge. However, on the other hand, there are 180+ published posts on this blog, not counting pages.

* Ad hominem attacks are when you insult the person posting.

I enjoy on-point conversations, and I'm quite willing to dig deeper on this topic.

Let me know what isn't clear or that I haven't addressed ... either at all, or to a satisfactory degree.

Be as personal or as general as you feel comfortable being. But be aware that in order to infuse more power into this package, I will likely use your query to help other participants as well.

Your questions and comments will help me to make this a stronger and more useful package.