Your Capacity To Hold Power

Higher & Stronger

This Templar maxim succinctly encapsulates what Power means to me, in terms of fulfilling my mission with this current life of mine ... and beyond!

I want to see how high I can soar.

I want to see how far I can go.

Okay, let me ask you this ... how willing are you to be powerful?

As in Power-Full.

As in potent.

As in influential.

As in the ability to get things done ... important things.

As in absolutely trusting your instincts and your decisions.

We are geniuses at self-sabotage. And our little games show up so clearly when we push against our limitations, when we make a commitment to being our highest and strongest selves.

Let me ask you this ...

How confident do you feel in your competence to achieve what you set out to achieve?

If not very high ... is the issue with your confidence or your sense of competence? Both have to be high in order to soar and be beneficially impactful. And the good news is that both can be fortified with attention and effort.

Typical questions to ask yourself when (not if) you feel like you've run out of steam:

  • How am I neglecting my physical needs? And how will I remedy any neglect?

  • How has my pride taken a hit that I'm still angry or sulking over?

  • What uncomfortable decisions need to be made that I'm avoiding?

  • How's my toleration load? Is there a build-up of petty annoyances that need to be dealt with?

  • What messes need to be dealt with in my life?

  • What build-up of boring but important details need to be attended to?

  • What are my favourite excuses about why I can't (do/be/have whatever)?

  • Who or what do I blame for blocking me from reaching my most powerful capacities?

  • Who or what do I blame for my most recent failure?

  • Whose permission am I waiting on to resume (or begin) soaring?

  • What has to happen before I can resume (or begin) soaring?

And if your Quest seems too hard at times, some of the more 'bitey' questions to explore might be:

  • Am I worthy to be power-full?

  • What would I DO if I was as power-full as I might be?

  • What unwanted or difficult responsibilities that come with power am I reluctant to take on?

  • Are my head AND my heart in alignment with flying higher and stronger? Which one is resisting?

In the end, dealing with these predictable and reliable self-sabotage culprits is simply par for the course of your Quest. They come to light more quickly than they do for those living 'normal' lives. It's somewhat like you taking a stand in a clearing and calling out for all those hidden bandits to come out of their hiding places and meet you face to face for combat.

Many of our shadow issues are layered and intertwined

Roll with the punches and stop fighting and resisting them. (Stop the guilt!)

Integrate and befriend these shadow aspects by becoming aware of them and then looking for ways around, over, under, and through them.

Plan safety nets and contingencies for when they sneak up on you and overwhelm you ... like a pack of puppies excited to see you again.

I enjoy on-point conversations, and I'm quite willing to dig deeper on this topic.

Let me know what isn't clear or that I haven't addressed ... either at all, or to a satisfactory degree.

Be as personal or as general as you feel comfortable being. But be aware that in order to infuse more power into this package, I will likely use your query to help other participants as well.

Your questions and comments will help me to make this a stronger and more useful package.