Establish Your Flavour

This is commonly known as 'Finding Your Voice' and the struggle is real for those with a message to share.

When you embark on this Quest of Heresies, you become a Messenger of a Very Important Message. A message that you see that most don't.

So how should you, how will you communicate this message?

First ... throw out all the rules about how to write, how to make videos, how to make a website, or any other act of creative messaging that is made by 'experts'. The ONLY expert is YOU. Well, your soul, your heart.

And chances are probably VERY high that you've never allowed yourself to operate fully and immersively with soul at the helm of decision making.

Now, your soul/heart has its own personality. It has preferences in communication. It has preferences in style. It has preferences in fun and mischief. It has its own attitudes ... especially about rules and what is 'proper'.

So, finding your own flavour, finding your own voice, is actually about discovering the personality and character of your Soul. Your Heart. Your Higher Self.

And don't give me bullshit about their personality being all cosmic and love-and-light. No!!!!! They can be chaotic, rule-transcendent, rough-and-tumble, provocative, raunchy, full of Koan-ish pranks, Grey Jedi's, stealthy Ninja's.

And let your Soul/Heart/Higher Self have a VOICE in how you communicate your Very Important Message.

And you know the BEST way to do this? It's with conversation. Dialogue. Off-the-cuff responses. Spontaneous replies. Uncensored communication. It's called 'speaking from the heart' for a reason.

So when you write, write how you'd speak with a real person.

When you make videos, be spontaneous, and avoid scripts wherever possible.

And HAVE FUN! Fun is definitely a quality of the Soul/Heart/Higher Self.

I enjoy on-point conversations, and I'm quite willing to dig deeper on this topic.

Let me know what isn't clear or that I haven't addressed ... either at all, or to a satisfactory degree.

Be as personal or as general as you feel comfortable being. But be aware that in order to infuse more power into this package, I will likely use your query to help other participants as well.

Your questions and comments will help me to make this a stronger and more useful package.