Call 6/6/2020

Call Overview:

Today was a productive call where we went over prior investments made last call and introduced new investments. We went over some investment ideas including options and bonds. We discussed Canada Goose, Wells, Fargo, Boeing, Bonds, AMD, S&P (both VFINX and SPY) and some additional ideas. See the video to review the call.

Recording of Call:

vne-mmyo-oum (2020-06-06 at 12:10 GMT-7)

This is a recording of the call from 6/6/2020. The proposed trades and investments are discussed in it.

Notes from Daniela Blumenfeld:

Investment call notes 6/6/20

Voting Form:

Below is a google form that outlines the different trade ideas that were proposed during the call. Please fill it out as soon as possible. The recording of the call and Daniela's notes can also help explain the rational for each trade.

YGN Trade Request Form Survey - June (Responses)

Club Holdings as Of 6/2/2020

Holdings as Of 6/3/2020

results of trade request form

YGN Trade Request Form Survey - June (Responses)