Call 4/11/2020

Call Overview:

Today was a productive call where we discussed several different investments that would make sense during the pandemic. We discussed the history of different pandemics and how they impact our investing decisions. No decisions were made during the call regarding buying or selling stocks, rather we decided to create a voting form for all club members to have a say. We discussed several suggestions for how to invest the available money and those decisions can be voted on in the poll below.

Recording of Call:

vne-mmyo-oum (2020-04-11 at 12:45 GMT-7)

This is a recording of the call from 4/11/2020. The proposed trades and investments are discussed in it.

Notes from Daniela Blumenfeld:

Notes on YIC call 4/11/20

Summary of Proposed TRades And info:

Notes For Call

Voting Form:

Below is a google form that outlines the different trade ideas that were proposed during the call. Please fill it out as soon as possible. The recording of the call and Daniela's notes can also help explain the rational for each trade.

Trade ReQuest Form and Responses

YGN Trade Request Form Survey (Responses)