The YE - Gallery

DAY 1 - 19.08.2021 - Arrival of participants in Sofia and Veliko Tarnovo

DAY 2 - 20.08.2021 - Activity Day 1

Official Opening

Get-to-know each-other

Team-building sessions

Getting-to-know each-other

Exploring the surroundings

Board games


DAY 3 - 21.08.2021 - Activity Day 2

Introduction to the NFL concepts

NEET youth

Facilitator's and organiser's instructions every morning

Team of leaders

Team of leaders

NFL concepts through drama


Introduction of non-formal education

discussions on NFL principles

Key competences and Youthpass

Hiking with Dido from TurnovoRuns

Intercultural evening


Intercultural evening


Intercultural evening


DAY 4 - 22.08.2021 - Activity Day 3

Workshops day 1

Introduction of the day by Cosmin - facilitator

Subscriptions on the workshops of day 1

These are the 4

workshops of the day

each person chooses

two workshops/ day

Silent theatre - if you want to make your life more colourful

Team workout

Mobile Youth Center - Centru de Tineret Mobil of Curba de Cultura, Romania

Intercultural evening - Portugal

Intercultural evening - Slovenia

Intercultural evening


DAY 5 - 23.08.2021 - Activity Day 4

Workshops day 2

These are the 4

workshops of the day

Movie making - actors

Movie making - shooting team

Movie making - shooting & supporting team

Movie making - actors team 2

Movie making - behind the camera

Relay Race

Mission impossible

Bulgarian Intercultural evening

Interactive game to get to know Bulgaria better

Bulgarian intercultural evening

Party with Boza

DAY 6 - 24.08.2021 - Activity Day 5

Workshops - day extra

BG team

Visiting adventure park

Dilyana & Cosmin's pink picture

Organisers daily routine

Movie night outside

DAY 7 - 25.08.2021 - Activity Day 6

Exploring Veliko Tarnovo

Extra participants workshops

Designing community activity

Exploring Veliko Turnovo

"Youngsters hang out near here in Veliko Tarnovo. There are also park areas that young people love to spend their free time at. 😉"

Nina Majcenovic

The people usually in Veliko Tarnovo meet in parks and bars, but also some of them enjoy to meet in the casino or near to the post office. This one is a good meeting point because it’s in the center of the city.

When the youngster meet with each other they enjoy the talking,running, walking with their dogs, smoking and in the nights they also meet to grab a drink and to party.

For running they meet so early in the morning, at 8 am and for the rest of the activities they meet in the afternoon or even the night.

We interviewed 8 Bulgarian youngsters from ages 17-25 and learned things that they do in Veliko Tarnovo. In their free time they love to skate, bike, walk, dance and do many sports. They love to hang out at high spots with a beautiful view. Of course they also have a great night life, spending time at pubs and many parks. They also spend their free time time taking driving classes.

Their hobbies include training dogs, dancing with gymnastic and acrobatics, spending their time with friends at the park and riding bicycles.

Obviously, they enjoy spending their time with their friends at the park or at other gathering spots. Some of these places include parks, pubs and cafeterias. Some of them think that Veliko Tarnovo could be a better if they improved the city centre.

Interviewing Bulgarians youngsters proved to be an interesting and fun learning experience. Their answers gave us better insight of the city and of Bulgarian youths' life style.

Also, it happened so we have a seventh member of our team.

Result of interview:

- All young people like to spend time together, hanging out

- 3 of 5 youngsters do not have a hobby or passion, except for communication with one another

- Youngsters want to have more time to see each other and they would like to have more locations for hanging out except for a park and one shopping center

- Shopping center and a trendy things is missing in Veliko Tarnovo

- Young people want to discover and see the world

Good morning Veliko Tarnovo! 🌲🗻

Your youngsters are really cool and friendly. 😉💖

They love your parks and doing creative things there like have time with friends, chatting and chilling. 🌃🌇

Also your clubs are attractive. 🍾🍷

Your youth center was nice with a lot of pictures of people with passion. 🥳👨‍🏫👩‍⚖️💃

By the way you can give for your youngsters more space for walking like pedestrian area, more places for chilling with friends. 🥺🥰

Thank you for this experience. 🤩

💫We met Hrisi and Lora at one of the main parks of Veliko Tarnovo. They told us that this and another big park near it are their favourite spots for meeting with their friends. They really enjoy moving in rollers through the city. Apart from gossiping in the park they also enjoy doing lots of different activities like swimming, dancing, listening to music... They mainly enjoy doing those in youth and sports centers, to which they took us to see.

First, we went to the Warrior club, a youth space were different dance clubs (of different modalities) rehearse. Both of them are into dance groups and they told us that there isn't any special requirement to get into, only you need to compromise and be passionate for it.

After they presented us their high school, were they spend most of their time. It is also a nice place to meet since in the outside they have a little field were practicing different sports. The last stop was the stadium of the town, they told us that it is also one of the main spots to meet with their friends since they can enjoy of doing some physical activity together.

Meanwhile we talked a lot with them, they were super excited about meeting international people; and they told us they really miss getting to know nice and open groups of people. Also they miss having new things to do in the city.

They were super nice and they spent all the day with us. We are so proud we made two new friends in the city!

💫We also met Monica, Savia and Bobi, all of them told us that they really like hanging out with friends, listening to music, dancing, enjoying sports with friends and driving to nice spots in the city from which the views are amazing. They really like their city and while Bobi said he didn't need nothing more, the girls agreed with Hrisi and Lora in the fact that the city is really quiet and that when you have already visited all the interesting things it gets boring and it lacks more variety for youth opportunities.

We interviewed five youngsters and they all gather in parks and in the streets in Veliko Trnovo.

Their hobbies and passions are drawing, sports, reading, computers and technology, making jewelery, cooking. They hang out with their friends in the same outdoor places. They miss an anime space, some more atractions.

They hang out every day during the summer holidays, but in school times just 3 - 4 days/week in afternoons.

We found a youth centre in Hristo Botev street. They have activities during school time. It is a municipal center (this means it is free for participants 😉). It there they have dancing, singing, sport and art activities.

In this morning activity we interviewed five youngsters all around the Veliko Tarnovo streets and parks. They use to gather together in the parks, bars, gyms, restaurants to hang out with each other usually after work / school. Their hobbies are watching movies, drawing, practice sports or dance, sleeping, studying or cooking. If they had more freetime they would practice more skills and sports.

For some people it is missing in Veliko Tarnovo more parks, and we got one special opinion that Veliko Tarnovo government has to stop being corrupt. We have found a youth center in Hristo Botev street, where people can do dance classes, sing, group activities and sports before or after school time.

Country workshops by choice, organised by participants

New 4 workshops

prepared by the pax

Martial Arts



DAY 8 - 26.08.2021 - Activity Day 7

Rehearsing community activity in Veliko Tarnovo

Transfers and staging community activity

Implementation/ Participation

Meeting at Youth House of Veliko Turnovo

Smiling people after burgers

Teams for city game

DAY 9 - 27.08.2021 - Activity Day 8

Toolfair of organisations - presentations activities and building collaborative ideas

Collaborative ideas - planning projects together

DAY 10 - 28.08.2021 - Activity Day 9

Follow-up - planning local activities

YouthPass fill-up


Farewell party

Filling evaluation forms

Thank you moments

DAY 11 - 29.08.2021 - Departure

Goodbye to Romanian group

For the last time in mobile youth center

Applause for leaders and organisers

Hugs to Slovenian team

Goodbye to Latvian and Spanish teams