
Our strong partnership network consist of non-governmental organisations from 9 European countries

Nadejda-CRD - Hosting organisation

“Nadejda CRD” Sdrujenie is a non-governmental organisation from Sofia, Bulgaria working with both children, youngsters and adults to promote cultural values and education. The aim is to encourage people to participate in clubs and activities, to develop their abilities and interests. Sdrujenie “Nadejda-CRD” is originally founded in 1998 as community of parents who recognized the need of extra activities and opportunities, which can develop their children’s abilities and interests. Yearly the organisation works with more than 3000 families as organises and supports club activities, concerts and performances, exhibitions, seminars and social clubs, and also takes part in national and European projects. As a cultural, educational and social organisation “Nadejda CRD” Sdrujenie works also with youngsters with behavioural problems, people at the end of social exclusion.

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Our partnership network consists of 9 non-governmental organisations from Romania, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Slovakia, Estonia, Slovenia and Bulgaria. Sdrujenie Nadej-daCRD have already worked with these organisations before so we invited them to collaborate on this project idea. Each organisation was selected as a project partners, based on a questionnaire aimed at identifying the issues the organisations are facing in their daily youth work, in the work with NEET and socially-at-risk young people and the difficulties they are facing in terms of human resources (either staff or volunteers) and in terms of capacity of designing, running and facilitating non-formal learning activities for young people.

Meet the partners and do not forget to follow their FB pages and support their activities.

Meet the team

Dilyana Vuchkova, Cosmin Catana and Adriana Popescu, TC, June 2021

Dilyana Vuchkova

Organiser, coordinator

Cosmin Catana

Trainer and facilitator

Mariana Tafrova

Big Boss of the project ;)