Project overview

The first part of the project Youth Work - You(th) Lead was implemented between 5th and 13th June 2021 near Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.

The training course involved 29 participants, 2 trainers and 2 organisers from 9 countries and will take place in an are near Veliko Tarnovo. The participants were youth practitioners, youth leaders and volunteer coordinators from non-governmental organisation from all over Europe who are in charge with designing, implementing and evaluating youth activities for the youth organisations.

What happened during the Training course?

The training course was implemented in Momina Krepost hotel in Ksilifor area, near Veliko Tarnovo between
5th and 13th June 2021.

The training course was dedicated to developing and or improving youth workers’ and youth leaders’ competencies in designing and facilitating inclusive NFL activities. First of all, they built a strong team and a strong group.

During the 7-days program the youth workers and youth leaders got familiar with non-formal learning processes, learning differences, facilitating groups. They faced the NEETs specifics, difficulties, conceptual framework and opportunities, designed by the EU. They were challenged to critically analyse the role of youth worker in relation with possibilities of improving the activities with NEET young people and learn new non-formal and participative methods that can be used in the work with young people in order to help them integrate in the labor market and in the society. Participants got familiar with design-thinking processes and principles, designed learning activities themselves in order to participate in an active learning and self-development process to develop the competences and put them into practice.

The activities of the sessions were outlined on the needs and interests expressed by both participants and partner organizations in order to efficiently contribute to their personal and professional development and foster quality in the work they are doing at local level. Each evening they have participated actively in a reflection sessions so they could analyse what they have learned during the day, which were the most important moments, which activities they preferred, how they can use their learning in their professional life.

Series of special sessions were dedicated to Erasmus+ program and YouthPass Certificate as a guide for reflection and recognition of competences.

Where we are today

After the training course in June 2021, each partner organisation and national team will:

  • select the leader for the Youth Exchange. It's expected this to be one of the team members. The person will be in charge of preparation of the participants for the participation in the Youth Exchange according to the tasks they will have to perform during YE, to assist the participants in making their travel arrangements (tickets, insurances etc.) and to prepare the participants regarding the Activity.

  • If needed – due to the economic difficulties some of the young people will be facing – the partners will cover for the transport costs of the participants so that this will not be a problem for the young people’s decision to join the youth exchange.

  • Aside from the tasks and preparation done individually by the groups, the facilitator and the organizing team will prepare and invite the national groups to perform a set of tasks and activities that would reveal more of their individual preferences and culture. A set of quizzes and group activities will be used.

  • During the Youth Exchange all groups will have presentations to prepare and deliver and workshops to facilitate. The main resource for the workshops will be the Group Leaders that have participated in the Training Course and the facilitators that would provide guidance and support. The workshop assignment is described in the Activity Program.

  • The participants will also, not separated into national groups but according to their own preferences, prepare and deliver a Local Action into the local community of young people in Veliko Tarnovo, based on their participation in the workshops of the YE.

The journey of

Dimitrovi Family

The journey of

Stoyanovi Family

The journey of

Ivanovi Family

The journey of

Petrovi Family

YWYL - INFOPACK small.pdf

Info-Pack for the Training course

Open for more information

What are the expected results of the project

After the project the participants will have better knowledge on learning theories thus improving their support process of young people in identifying their learning needs, wishes and styles while taking any special needs into consideration. They will have a better understanding of the NEET phenomenon allowing them to adapt their activities and recruitment processes to the profile of NEET young people. They will create safer, more motivating and inclusive learning environments for young people, thus generating a bigger flow of NEET young people in the activities of their organisations. They will use a range of educational methods that develop creativity and increase motivation for learning, thus engaging the NEET youth in education and training programs. They will assist young people to identify and take the role they wish in the surrounding society, thus engaging young people with participation issues in community life. They will support young people to develop their critical thinking and their understanding about society so that young people can make informed decisions about their role and actions within their respective societies.

Following the training course, the youth workers and leaders will have positive attitudes regarding young people, groups and their youth work in general thus increasing their job satisfaction and generating overall better results of their work. They will support young people in taking the lead in their own lives and thus generating more independence and autonomy for young people. They will be open and supporting to young people’s suggestions about activities they like and want to do, being willing and ready to experiment and accepting the positive potential of conflict.