Youth Work - You(th) Lead


05-13 June 2021 near Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


19-29 August 2021 near Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


YOUTH WORK - YOU(TH) LEAD is a concept of two international mobilities and series of activities on a local level in order to address two major aspects of the NEETs phenomenon mainly to increase the quality and number of actions in youth work addressing NEET youth and professionalisation of youth workers in order to increase the competencies of youth workers and to deliver learning in an appropriate manner for NEET young people and other socially-at-risk young people.

The project aims at offering NEET young people the opportunity to get involved in youth work activities that would activate and provide them with employment and or education motivation and skills.

The first mobility - the Training course was already implemented from 5th - 13th June 2021. The second mobility - the Youth Exchange was implemented from 19th to 29th August 2021.


YOUTH WORK - YOU(TH) LEAD project gathered 29 youth workers and 46 young people to two international mobilities near Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. The international project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and gave the opportunity for personal and professional development of youth workers who work with diverse types of young people , including those in NEETs category.

The first international mobility was a training course for youth workers. During the 7-days program the youth workers and youth leaders got familiar with non-formal learning processes, learning differences, facilitating groups. They faced the NEETs specifics, difficulties, conceptual framework and opportunities, designed by the EU. They were challenged to critically analyse the role of youth worker in relation with possibilities of improving the activities with NEET young people and learn new non-formal and participative methods that can be used in the work with young people in order to help them integrate in the labor market and in the society. Participants got familiar with design-thinking processes and principles, designed learning activities themselves in order to participate in an active learning and self-development process to develop the competences and put them into practice.

Part of the youth workers, who took part in the first mobility designed and facilitated part of the the learning modules, implemented during the youth exchange in August 2021.

The Youth Exchange itself offered learning opportunity for 46 young people, aged from 16 to 27. They experienced, lived and learned in international context. They were interacting with other young people from other cultures and exchanged ideas on different topics and are eager to do something for their communities and for their peers. They explored the topics of non-formal education, key competences, experiential learning through arts (drama, dancing, theatre, painting) and sports, prepared and delivered workshops within national teams for other young people, explored Veliko Turnovo and challenges of local young people and prepared a learning game. The young people had the opportunity to develop new project ideas and find partners for their implementation. Series of activities happened also on a local level for each of the partner organisations - to motivate and support young people, especially those in NEETs category.

The project included 9 partner organisations from 9 European countries: Curba de Cultura, Romania, Teatro Metaphora, Madeira - Portugal, Legambiente Trani, Italy, Matadero lab, Spain, Drujstvo Lojtra, Slovenia, Young folks, Latvia, EduEra, Slovakia, Seiklejate Vennaskond, Estonia and Sdrujenie Nadejda-CRD, Bulgaria.

Youth Exchange Program (indicative)

Day 1 - 19.08.2021

Arrival of participants

Travelling to the Location

Informal time

Day 2 - 20.08.2021

Official Opening

Get-to-know each-other

Erasmus+ Youthpass presentation

Team-building sessions

Day 3 - 21.08.2021

Introduction to the NFL concepts

Experiential learning

NEET youth

Day 4 - 22.08.2021

Country group workshops 1, 2, 3, 4

Intercultural night 1

Day 5 - 23.08.2021

Country group workshops 5, 6, 7, 8

Intercultural night 2

Day 6 - 24.08.2021

Workshops by choice

Movie night

Day 7 - 25.08.2021

Veliko Tarnovo visit

Designing community activity

Intercultural night 3

Day 8 - 26.08.2021

Rehearsing community activity

Transfers and staging CA
Community activity

Day 9 - 27.08.2021

Collaborative ideas
Planning local activities

Day 10 - 28.08.2021

YouthPass Certificate filling
Evaluation and closing

Day 11 - 29.08.2021

Departure of participants

Project objectives are:

  • To increase the impact and professionalization of Youth leaders in their work with young people in local communities.

  • To develop the competencies of 29 Youth leaders to prepare, design and deliver activities aiming at NEET young people and their personal development, career development opportunities, social and communication conflicts.

  • To develop a group / network of 48 local young people actively involved in the community life and ready to take the role of leaders to identify, involve and motivate NEET youth.

  • To develop a framework for youth NGOs to work together and develop new projects aiming at NEET youth around Europe using NF learning methods and instruments.


Contact us at to get more information about the project