Dewalt 611 Brushes

After using my X-Carve for about 4 weeks, one day the Dewalt just died. At first I thought perhaps there was a problem with the X-controller. Then I tried just manually turning the spindle on and got nothing. After some Q&A on the forums, I discovered my Dewalt brushes had worn down past the point of being useful. This section is to help you prepare for that eventuality so you are not caught off guard like I was.

Here's a link to order these brushes on Amazon. It's a smart idea to have spares of these as they can go out on you without warning and you don't want to be down for days waiting for an order to arrive.

Here is a short video demonstrating how easy it is to replace the brushes. You'll need a small pair of needle nose pliers.

Video courtesy of Arthur Pollack, X-Carve Owners Group.