Task 1

Task 1: Reading a report to understand its details

In this task, you should read the following report carefully to understand its purpose and identify key details. See the Process Section to know the steps you should follow to accomplish your task.

Report on Staff Turnover in Zest Health Benefits Ltd.

Submitted 8th December 2021

By Louise Crompton, John Smith, Joe Bloggs, Amy Waterhouse, Ian Duncan and Paul Hinstock


The HR manager requests this report to analyze the high staff turnover of employees at Zest Health Benefits Ltd. The research and data in this report have been gathered by human resources over a six-month period. The team of six analyzed working conditions and administration records and also interviewed staff. In this report, the researchers make recommendations to reduce the high turnover of staff working at Zest Health Benefits Ltd.


Zest Health Benefits Ltd. has been a Limited Company for over two decades, formed in January 2000. It employs 300 members of staff, with most of the employees tasked with processing and researching health products to communicate with a large audience of consumers. Despite operating in a region with substantial unemployment, the annual turnover has been between 50 to 55% within the last five years.


The most prominent issue to arise when interviewing staff is of dehydration in an air-conditioned office. The interviews also found that mothers are having trouble with childcare because they don't receive any childcare support from Zest Health Benefits Ltd. Male and female staff expressed their concerns about having to take time off for their families.


The main issues that we found were as follows:

1.   A lack of drinkable water supply to remain hydrated at work.

2.   A lack of support for employees, specifically relating to the company's lack of childcare support.


To address these two main issues, we recommend the following steps:

1.   Purchase free-to-use water coolers at a reasonable cost for each office room at Zest Health Benefits Ltd.

2.   Set up an in-house childcare centre to encourage mothers and fathers to remain in employment at Zest Health Benefits Ltd.