Process Steps of Task 3

Process Steps of Task 3

1.    Work together with your colleagues in groups of eight.

2.    Every group member should individually read the description of the memo twice.

You are the manager of the company called packing and sealing co. Your name is Arkin Smith. You want to inform the head of the HR department that a new employee will attend training sessions in the company to join the departments of HR, IT and accounting. Her name is Julia Holmes. You want her to arrange with the three departments for the training sessions of the new employee.


3.    Work together and discuss the memo description to identify its purpose and understand its main details.

4.    Identify the main details of the memo: Title, main message, important details, etc.

5.    Decide on what and how you will write the memo.

6.    Use the memo template to write the first draft of your memo.

Memo template:

Memorandum Template

You can watch this video to learn more about the criteria of writing a good memo:

6-Reread the memo to revise and finalize your writing.