Biophysics World Championship

Biophysics is studying the physical interactions of biological processes.

Physics World Championship welcomes Physicists across the world for international meritorious competition.  Physics World Championship is organized every year. Applicants can apply through out year with their contributions in Physics which enhances  our understandings in fundamental physics and applied Physics.  You can participate in international championship along with  your published research articles/ thesis/ theories/ hypothesis/ patents/ applications in machineries & appliances.  The procedure and guidelines to apply in Physics World Championship is online, as below-

1.   Name of Program:   Application for World Championship in ............... ? (mention specialization / subject / expertization, in which you are applying) 

2.   Name of Applicant:   ? 

3. Photograph:   ? 

4.   Autobiography / CV (Resume) along with your contributions, achievements and experience:   ? 

Fill Up above application format and Email at      for applying in World Championship. Instantly within 24 hours you will receive acknowledgement and rigorous review will be started, shortly you will be informed on outcome with certificate and press release will be issued online. Applications can be submitted directly, nominations can also be submitted at We will automatically contact you upon selection 

World Championship recommends international organizations, universities, colleges and research institutions, companies and industries in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Lord Prof. PhD  Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev from Bulgaria, wins Physics World Championship 2021 in Fundamental Physics

Lord Prof. PhD  Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev, Lady Prof. Mariola Garibova Scientific Research Institute Dobrev & Halachev JSC. Sofia, Bulgaria published Theory of Universum” And its relations in Prof. Momtchil DObrev’s and Prof. Mariola Garibova’s Energy-Information genetics, EI-medicine, EI-psychology, EI- psychiatry. Lord Prof. PhD  Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev has published theories in Physics.

Lord Prof. PhD  Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev has been recipient of World Championship 2019 in Economics (Finance)

Apply for World Championship in Classical Mechanics 

Newton's laws of motion, Lagrangian mechanics, Hamiltonian mechanics, kinematics, statics, dynamics, chaos theory, acoustics, fluid dynamics, continuum mechanics 

Density, dimension, gravity, space, time, motion, length, position, velocity, acceleration, Galilean invariance, mass, momentum, impulse, force, energy, angular velocity, angular momentum, moment of inertia, torque, conservation law, harmonic oscillator, wave, work, power, Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, Tait–Bryan angles, Euler angles, pneumatic, hydraulic

Apply for World Championship in Electromagnetism 

Electrostatics, electrodynamics, electricity, magnetism, magnetostatics, Maxwell's equations, optics 

Capacitance, electric charge, current, electrical conductivity, electric field, electric permittivity, electric potential, electrical resistance, electromagnetic field, electromagnetic induction, electromagnetic radiation, Gaussian surface, magnetic field, magnetic flux, magnetic monopole, magnetic permeability

Apply for World Championship in Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 

Heat engine, kinetic theory 

Boltzmann's constant, conjugate variables, enthalpy, entropy, equation of state, equipartition theorem, thermodynamic free energy, heat, ideal gas law, internal energy, laws of thermodynamics, Maxwell relations, irreversible process, Ising model, mechanical action, partition function, pressure, reversible process, spontaneous process, state function, statistical ensemble, temperature, thermodynamic equilibrium, thermodynamic potential, thermodynamic processes, thermodynamic state, thermodynamic system, viscosity, volume, work, granular material

Apply for World Championship in Quantum mechanics 

Path integral formulation, scattering theory, Schrödinger equation, quantum field theory, quantum statistical mechanics 

Adiabatic approximation, black-body radiation, correspondence principle, free particle, Hamiltonian, Hilbert space, identical particles, matrix mechanics, Planck's constant, observer effect, operators, quanta, quantization, quantum entanglement, quantum harmonic oscillator, quantum number, quantum tunneling, Schrödinger's cat, Dirac equation, spin, wave function, wave mechanics, wave–particle duality, zero-point energy, Pauli exclusion principle, Heisenberg uncertainty principle

Apply for World Championship in Relativity

Special relativity, general relativity, Einstein field equations 

Covariance, Einstein manifold, equivalence principle, four-momentum, four-vector, general principle of relativity, geodesic motion, gravity, gravitoelectromagnetism, inertial frame of reference, invariance, length contraction, Lorentzian manifold, Lorentz transformation, mass–energy equivalence, metric, Minkowski diagram, Minkowski space, principle of relativity, proper length, proper time, reference frame, rest energy, rest mass, relativity of simultaneity, spacetime, special principle of relativity, speed of light, stress–energy tensor, time dilation, twin paradox, world line

Agrophysics is a branch of science bordering on agronomy and physics

Astrophysics, the physics in the universe, including the properties and interactions of celestial bodies in astronomy.

Chemical physics, the science of physical relations in chemistry.

Computational physics, the application of computers and numerical methods to physical systems.

Econophysics, dealing with physical processes and their relations in the science of economy.

Environmental physics, the branch of physics concerned with the measurement and analysis of interactions between organisms and their environment.

Engineering physics, the combined discipline of physics and engineering.

Geophysics, the sciences of physical relations on our planet.

Mathematical physics, mathematics pertaining to physical problems.

Medical physics, the application of physics in medicine to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

Physical chemistry, dealing with physical processes and their relations in the science of physical chemistry.

Physical oceanography, is the study of physical conditions and physical processes within the ocean, especially the motions and physical properties of ocean waters

Psychophysics, the science of physical relations in psychology

Quantum computing, the study of quantum-mechanical computation systems.

Sociophysics or social physics, is a field of science which uses mathematical tools inspired by physics to understand the behavior of human crowds

Admission Open Throughout Year from All Countries


World Championship Afghanistan 

World Championship Albania 

World Championship Algeria 

World Championship Andorra 

World Championship Angola 

World Championship Antigua and Barbuda 

World Championship Argentina 

World Championship Armenia 

World Championship Aruba 

World Championship Australia 

World Championship Austria 

World Championship Azerbaijan 

World Championship The Bahamas 

World Championship Bahrain 

World Championship Bangladesh 

World Championship Barbados 

World Championship Belarus 

World Championship Belgium 

World Championship Belize 

World Championship Benin 

World Championship Bermuda 

World Championship Bhutan 

World Championship Bolivia 

World Championship Bosnia and Herzegovina 

World Championship Botswana 

World Championship Brazil 

World Championship Brunei 

World Championship Bulgaria 

World Championship Burkina Faso 

World Championship Burma 

World Championship Burundi 

World Championship Cambodia 

World Championship Cameroon 

World Championship Canada 

World Championship Cape Verde 

World Championship Cayman Islands 

World Championship Central African Republic 

World Championship Chad 

World Championship Chile 

World Championship China 

World Championship Colombia 

World Championship Comoros 

World Championship Democratic Republic of the Congo 

World Championship Republic of the Congo 

World Championship Costa Rica 

World Championship Ivory Coast 

World Championship Croatia 

World Championship Cuba 

World Championship Cyprus 

World Championship Czech Republic 

World Championship Denmark 

World Championship Djibouti 

World Championship Dominica 

World Championship Dominican Republic 

World Championship Ecuador 

World Championship Egypt 

World Championship El Salvador 

World Championship Equatorial Guinea 

World Championship Eritrea 

World Championship Estonia 

World Championship Ethiopia 

World Championship Fiji 

World Championship Finland 

World Championship France 

World Championship Gabon 

World Championship The Gambia 

World Championship Georgia 

World Championship Germany 

World Championship Ghana 

World Championship Greece 

World Championship Grenada 

World Championship Guatemala 

World Championship Guinea 

World Championship Guinea-Bissau 

World Championship Guyana

World Championship Haiti 

World Championship Holy See 

World Championship Honduras 

World Championship Hong Kong 

World Championship Iceland 

World Championship India 

World Championship Indonesia 

World Championship Iran 

World Championship Iraq 

World Championship Ireland 

World Championship Israel 

World Championship Italy 

World Championship Jamaica 

World Championship Japan 

World Championship Jordan 

World Championship Kazakhstan 

World Championship Kenya 

World Championship Kiribati 

World Championship North Korea 

World Championship South Korea 

World Championship Kuwait 

World Championship Kyrgyzstan 

World Championship Laos 

World Championship Latvia 

World Championship Lebanon 

World Championship Lesotho 

World Championship Liberia 

World Championship Libya 

World Championship Liechtenstein 

World Championship Lithuania 

World Championship Luxembourg 

World Championship Macau 

World Championship Macedonia 

World Championship Madagascar 

World Championship Malawi 

World Championship Malaysia 

World Championship Maldives 

World Championship Mali 

World Championship Malta 

World Championship Marshall Islands 

World Championship Mauritania 

World Championship Mauritius 

World Championship Mexico 

World Championship Micronesia 

World Championship Moldova 

World Championship Monaco 

World Championship Mongolia 

World Championship Montenegro 

World Championship Morocco 

World Championship Mozambique 

World Championship Namibia 

World Championship Nauru 

World Championship Nepal 

World Championship Netherlands 

World Championship New Zealand 

World Championship Nicaragua 

World Championship Niger 

World Championship Nigeria 

World Championship Norway 

World Championship Oman 

World Championship Pakistan 

World Championship Palau 

World Championship Panama 

World Championship Papua New Guinea 

World Championship Paraguay 

World Championship Philippines 

World Championship Poland 

World Championship Portugal 

World Championship Qatar 

World Championship Romania 

World Championship Russia 

World Championship Rwanda 

World Championship Samoa 

World Championship San Marino 

World Championship São Tomé and Príncip 

World Championship Saudi Arabia 

World Championship Senegal 

World Championship Serbia 

World Championship Seychelles 

World Championship Singapore 

World Championship Slovakia 

World Championship Slovenia 

World Championship Solomon Islands 

World Championship Somalia 

World Championship South Africa 

World Championship Spain 

World Championship Sri Lanka 

World Championship Saint Kitts 

World Championship Saint Lucia 

World Championship Saint Vincent 

World Championship Sudan 

World Championship Suriname 

World Championship Swaziland 

World Championship Sweden 

World Championship Switzerland 

World Championship Syria 

World Championship Taiwan 

World Championship Tajikistan 

World Championship Tanzania 

World Championship Thailand 

World Championship Togo 

World Championship Tonga 

World Championship Trinidad and Tobago 

World Championship Tunisia 

World Championship Turkey 

World Championship Turkmenistan 

World Championship Tuvalu 

World Championship Uganda 

World Championship Ukraine 

World Championship United Arab Emirates 

World Championship United Kingdom 

World Championship United States 

World Championship Uruguay 

World Championship Uzbekistan 

World Championship Vanuatu 

World Championship Venezuela 

World Championship Vietnam 

World Championship Yemen 

World Championship Zambia 

World Championship Zimbabwe


