Talk 4

X Workshop of Probability and Statistics group

CIDMA- University of Aveiro

Title of the talk: Data Analysis to Advance Immersive Technologies: Examples from Augmented Reality-based assembly procedures

Abstract: Immersive technologies have been evolving in the latest years and have currently many applications, namely in training, medicine, and entertainment to name just a few. Augmented Reality (AR) is such a technology that enables users to interact with their augmented physical environment through the overlay of digital information. While its adoption has been made easier due to the wider availability of hardware such smart phones, tablets and head mounted displays (HMD), and the Pokémon Go phenomenon has demonstrated AR's potential to be adopted by mainstream culture, there are still a lot of challenges to a more generalized adoption. Many of these challenges are related to the usability and acceptability of AR-based applications, namely concerning how to show digital information to the users and how to let them interact with it. Using adequate experimental evaluation is paramount to overcome these hurdles, propose new interaction and visualization methods as well as develop new useful and usable systems. User studies are the “work horse" of evaluation in this field, generally entailing quantitative and qualitative data collected from relatively small groups of participants making more difficult their analysis.This talk presents examples of data analysis used to develop and compare interaction and visualization methods for industrial AR-based systems for assembly procedures. In all cases a user study and controlled experiment was performed to assess usability and acceptance of different interaction and visualization methods for AR-based assembly scenarios. The collected qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed using EDA, ANOVA, Non-parametric tests and Cluster Analysis allowing establish the preferred methods, highlight their strengths and limitations, leading to potential advantages in specific use cases, and suggesting their integration in collaborative contexts.

This is a joint work with Bernardo Marques, João Alves, Paulo Dias and Beatriz Sousa Santos (DETI/IEETA, Universidade de Aveiro)

Carlos Ferreira tem uma licenciatura em Engenharia Eletrónica e de Telecomunicações, Mestrado em Estatística e Investigação Operacional, Doutoramento em Matemática e Agregação em Economia e Gestão. É membro integrado do Instituto de Engenharia Eletrónica e Informática de Aveiro (IEETA) e Professor Associado com Agregação na Universidade de Aveiro. É, atualmente, o Coordenador da Comissão de Análise do Sistema de Garantia de Qualidade (SGQ) do Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem do DEGEI.Integrou comissões de organização e de programa de cerca de 50 conferências nacionais e internacionais. Tem como áreas de interesse de investigação: Análise de Dados, Investigação Operacional, Logística, Apoio à Decisão e Gestão da Informação. É autor de mais de 150 publicações em conferências internacionais, capítulos de livro e em revistas.