Wonjin Yu


Purdue University Graduate School of Education, Lafayette, Indiana, United States

Daegu National University of Education Graduate School of Education, Daegu, Republic of Korea

Daegu National University of Education, Daegu, Republic of Korea

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Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana (Aug. 2022 - Dec. 2023)

Daegu National University of Education, Daegu, Republic of Korea (Mar. 2021 - Aug. 2021)

Daegu Gangrim Elementary School, Daegu, Republic of Korea (Mar. 2021 - Aug. 2021, Sabbatical during doctoral study at LDT in Purdue University)

Daegu Sangyok Elementary School, Daegu, Republic of Korea (2017 - 2020)

Daegu Future Education Research Institute, Daegu, Republic of Korea (2019)

Daegu Education Research Information Institute, Daegu, Republic of Korea (2018)

Daegu Daedong Elementary School, Daegu, Republic of Korea (2015 - 2016)

Ui-seong Gucheon Elementary School, Ui-seong, Republic of Korea (2012)

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Exploring Disruptive Education at Purdue University (2021 – Present)

Institute of Global Education for the Advancement of Innovative Learning in Daegu National University of Education

Co-Researcher (2018 – Present)

· Research on diagnostic tool development of software education core competency

· Project on software education for all elementary teachers (SWEET)

· Project on capacity building for distance education at universities

· Research on IB PYP education and ICT

Daegu Future Education Research Institute

Co-Researcher (2019, Six months)

· Co-research in a field research team in a governmental institute

· Research on the analysis of elementary Information education framework according to digital literacy achievement standards

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“The Study on an Instructional Program for A.I. Education Using a Machine Learning Platform”, Master’s thesis. Daegu National University of Education (2020).

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Room 4169, 100 N University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907

E-Mail: yu1103@purdue.edu