
David Ross Fellowship (2021-2025)

CSTA 2023 Conference Scholarship

Finalist in the AECT Design and Development Competition Award 2022.

CSTA 2022 Conference Scholarship

Prize(Commendation) from the Minister of Science and Technology Information and Communication in the Field of Software Education Activation in Elementary and Secondary School, The Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication (2019)

Prize for Activation of Software Education Donation Activities from the Minister of Science and Technology Information and Communication, The Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication (2018)

Prize(Commendation) from the Minister of Education in the field of Development and Utilization of Digital Textbooks, The Ministry of Education (2018)

Prize for Outstanding Thesis “Analysis of Elementary Information Education Framework According to Digital Literacy Achievement Standards”, Journal of the Korean Association of Information Education (2020)

1st Class Prize from the Minister of Education in the 48th National Education Materials Exhibition, The Ministry of Education (2017)

Prize(Commendation) from the Principal of Daegu Seobu Office of Education

Prize(Commendation) from the Principal of Daegu Seobu Office of Education in the Field of Activation in Educational Development, Daegu Seobu Office of Education (2016)