Tom Tube

8.5" X 11"

Bill Perry
Nina Beveridge
Alan Bridle

Alan Bridle played Tom Tube, host of a Citizen Band TV talk show, broadcasting from the second floor of the Cameron (the CBTV studio) to the first floor audience. 

Tom's head shot was created by Nina Beverdige, which I placed into the frame.

With  the audience in the back room of the Cameron, surrounded by multiple, overhead video monitors and cameras and Tom Tube was broadcasting live from the CBTV studio on the second floor, this was the manifestation of VideoCabaret alchemy, fusing video & cabaret  performances, pushing the boundaries of both.  

I proposed adding videotex to the mix. I put a Telidon terminal in the front room of the Cameron. Patrons could read daily summaries. Plus, I brought 500 guests from Ontario and Quebec, all the VISTA field trial participants.