Attention Galleries & media art venues

This site is the virtual version of a physical exhibition looking for venues, for a solo show or part of a “bigger picture” event. 

The exhibition is comprised of restored-for-print screenshots of my lost & found Telidon art, created in the early 80s, often for myself, mostly for other artists, art organizations and a few commercial clients.  Because I collaborated with so many artists and art organizations, these images are suitable to illustrate the spread of Telidon in the Toronto art community and beyond, like an illustrated, anecdotal history of Telidon art. 

Non-profit venues can use this art to illustrate what happens when an immovable object, (technology) meets an irresistible force (art). The synthesis is well illustrated by the accidental collision between Telidon and Toronto artists that occurred on Wednesday, August 12, 1981 with the launch of “Telidon @ TSV”. 

There is a commercial option to this exhibition. Limited edition prints from the show, signed by me and embossed with my corporate seal are available for sale. 

All the images are “exhibition ready”. There have been two shows to date, one at the Cameron house during last November and one at Supernova last May. It all fits in a box I can carry under one arm and take a few hours to set up

If you think this fits your venue, I’d be please to speak with you.  Contact me through the comment link below.