Telidon Art of the Early 80s
Telidon Art of the Early 80s
Limited Edition Prints signed & embossed with the artist's corporate seal
Limited Edition Prints signed & embossed with the artist's corporate seal
- Between 2018 and 2021, Bill Perry located nearly 20,000 born digital (Telidon) computer graphics, created in the early 80s by more than 60 emerging and established Canadian artists, stored on about 110 8" floppy disks, 35 5.25" floppy disks and 33 VHS or Beta videotapes, located in organizational archives and personal collections.
- Retrofloppy in North Carolina recovered files from 8" floppy disks with almost 100% success.
- Vtape recovered data from 33 VHS and Beta videotapes, some as old as 40 years, with spectacular results.
- Curator Shauna Doherty secured funding from the Canada Council to pay Vtape & Retrofloppy
- John Durno, head of Library Systems at the University of Victoria
- recovered files from 5.25" floppies,
- arranged storage of the collection of recovered files on a private University of Victoria computer
- created an online decoder salvaged from old BBS systems to display the art in any browser.
The collection has been gifted to the Art Gallery of Ontario, EP Taylor Library and Archive.
The collection has been gifted to the Art Gallery of Ontario, EP Taylor Library and Archive.