The Canada Council

8.5" X 11"

Bill Perry
Robin Collyer
Ric Amis
Canada Council

The Canada Council hired Trinity Square Video to create a 72 page, bilingual information package about the Canada Council, for a government of Canada Telidon field trial called CANTEL, a precursor to . 

Tom Sherman was the video/new media officer at the time. The CC was  testing out their new logo. One of the design principles was that it be recognizable no matter how it was reproduced, even with paper cut and paste jobs with cheap photocopiers typically found in artist run organization. . A part of our job was to reproduce  the logo as Teldion computer graphics.

Ric Amis, Robin Collyer and I collaborated on the project, on behalf of TSV. Ric was the admin, Robin did a lot of graphics and I oversaw the tree structure assembly. I remember that The Canada Council pays the highest prices to commercial artists. I believe CC paid TSV about $5K to produce the package.