What are the Components of Wise Feedback?

Section Objective: In this section of the VPLM, you will learn about the multiple components of wise feedback.

From what Lucy read, there are specific components to providing wise feedback. She continued her research and found another video to watch. View Motivate Lab's (2020) video about wise feedback (2:04). Take notes about what the specific components of wise feedback are.

*Note: Because Motivate Lab's (2020) video was created and posted during the global COVID-19 pandemic, there are references to "scrambling to adjust to a new reality" (0:02), "shifting to learning in a virtual space" (0:08), "not getting the small, positive feedback of classrooms" (0:38), and "sending messages through Learning Management Systems" (1:24). Wise feedback is not exclusive to online learning or in-person learning. Wise feedback can be used effectively in both places. Additionally, wise feedback is effective in written or verbal formats.

At the end of the video, Lucy visited Motivate Lab's (n.d.) website for further information. Click on the link to visit the website. Lucy downloaded the Wise Feedback Examples (PDF file) for future reference. She also checked her understanding of wise feedback examples using the Description of Wise Feedback (PDF file) on their website. Consider completing the same steps to further develop your understanding of the components of wise feedback. Thayer et al.'s (2018) study added one additional component of starting with a personal greeting and continuing with the reason for the feedback, pairing high expectations with a student's ability, and offering support. Lucy really liked the addition of the personal greeting to the list of components because it echos the personal relationship between teacher and student.

Pause for Reflection: After watching the video and looking at the resources on the website, reflect in your notes about which component(s) you already use in your feedback to students. Which component(s) would be new to your feedback protocol? How can the new component(s) help students utilize your feedback to improve their work?

As Lucy reflected, she thought about Mia, one of her Latino students. Mia struggled recently with a written response analyzing a character in the novel they are reading in class. Lucy was a little surprised by the work Mia submitted because in previous assignments, Mia had turned in better written responses with deeper analysis. Using what she had just read about wise feedback, Lucy thought back to the assignment, the feedback she had given Mia, and drafted a revised version of feedback using what she had just learned about wise feedback. Here is what Lucy wrote:

Mia, thank you for completing the written response! Analyzing requires deep thought and lengthy explanation. It's the 'so what,' 'what does it matter' thought process. You have identified good examples and supporting textual evidence, but the analysis needs some more work. From your previous work samples, I know you are able to more deeply analyze characters in novels because you have done it in the past. Consider meeting with me for a few minutes during lunch to talk about revisions to your analysis response. I'm here to help you be successful!

After Lucy wrote the draft, she looked back at the list of wise feedback components to make sure she had included all of them. Do you think Lucy included all of the components? Did she include a personal greeting? Did she communicate a reason for the feedback? Did she connect the high expectations to the student's ability? Did she offer support to the student?

To help herself as she gives feedback to students, Lucy created a Quick Reference handout for herself. Her Quick Reference Checklist is embedded to the right and it includes the application example Lucy drafted to Mia. You can click on the pop-out icon at the top of the box to make it appear full screen for easier accessibility. Feel free to make a copy of the Quick Reference page or print a copy for your own use and future reference.

Lucy’s Checklist for Wise Feedback